Before you connect FiveX to ChannelDock, login to your FiveX account and Generate your new API key
1. Log in to ChannelDock
2. Go to Settings > Analytics in ChannelDock and click 'Connect FiveX'
3. Paste the API key you generated earlier and click 'Connect FiveX'.
Success! Your FiveX account is now connected to ChannelDock! You're all set to enjoy streamlined operations and enhanced efficiency!
Once you connect ChannelDock with FiveX. FiveX gets information about inventory levels, purchasing costs and shipment costs from ChannelDock.
It is very likely that this does also mean that you not to deactive the stock levels in FiveX that FiveX receives from the markeplaces otherwise we count the stock level twice.
You can do this in FiveX if you go to -> setting --> integrations --> select sales channels --> click on deactive stock levels (screenshot)