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How to customize/edit a Schema field
How to customize/edit a Schema field

How do I customize or edit a schema field?

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Written by Support
Updated over 2 years ago

When you are creating a schema and you get to the step of adding a field to your Schema, you can customize the field according to your preferences.

How to do this

Once you've selected a field to add to your schema, the field will appear on the right-hand side of the screen.

If you click on the field on the right-hand side, the Edit Fields tab will open on the left-hand side. You will see all of the customizable options underneath it.

Different Schema fields will have different options that can be customized. They are all listed below in alphabetical order. Once you have made the necessary changes remember to "Save" your Schema.

Customizable options:

1. Allow manual overwrite toggle

Optionally set whether the linked text field can be manually overwritten or whether it is read-only based on the linked field's value.

  • By default, you can't update the linked text field directly and it will automatically be set by the value produced when the linked field's value is passed through the transformation function(s).

  • If the toggle is on: You will be able to manually overwrite the linked text field values

  • If the toggle is off: You will not be able to manually overwrite the linked text field values

  • Applicable to the "Linked text" field only

2. Allow multiple selections toggle

Indicate whether multiple selections should be allowed or not

  • If the toggle is On, you will be able to select multiple options in the content editor

  • If the toggle is Off, you will be able to select only one option in the content editor

  • A limit can be applied to the number of selections by using the Length validation rule

3. Color mode

Select the color format that will show in the color picker in the content editor

  • Available formats: RGB, HSB, HSL

  • Applicable to the "Color picker" only

Collapsible Panel State

Set whether the panel should be expanded or collapsed by default in the content editor. There are 4 options to choose from:

  1. Default Open

  2. Default Closed

  3. Always Open

  4. Always Closed

"Default" will start in either the open or closed state but will remember your previous changes.
"Always" will not remember your changes and will always start in the open or closed state.


Set conditions on a field that has to be met for the field to show in the content editor.

Below is an example where a user wants to display a field based on a previous answer in a form.

Scenario: The Sale Price of a product should only show if the user toggles the On Sale toggle on.

How to do this:

  • In the content editor, on the right-hand side, select the field that should show or not.

  • Then complete the conditions section.
    In this example, the property will be the "On Sale" field, the Operator will be "Equal" and the Value will be "true".

  • In the content editor, if the On Sale toggle is off I cannot see the Sale Price field

  • If the On Sale toggle is on, I can see the Sale Price field

Data Type

How are you intending to use the data?

  • Select from Integer or Decimal (Floating-point) with the number of decimal spaces

  • Applicable to the "Number" field only

Default Value

This is what will be displayed in the content editor by default

  • Optional to complete

  • Note: For some of the Schema fields the default value will be a dropdown. If it is, you will need to add options first, and then, these options you've added will become the options in the dropdown that can be selected.


Describe the field

  • Optional to complete

  • This is how it would look in the content editor

Disable Future toggle

  • Applicable to the date field only

  • If the toggle is On, you will not be able to select a date in the future in the content editor

  • If the toggle is Off, you will be able to select a date in the future in the content editor

Disable Past toggle

  • Applicable to the date field only

  • If the toggle is On, you will not be able to select a date in the past in the content editor

  • If the toggle is Off, you will be able to select a date in the past in the content editor

Display format

Enter a format that you would like the date to be displayed in.

  • Applicable to the "date" and "date-time local" fields

  • Click here for format options

Edit fields button

Add sub-fields

  • Once you click the "Edit fields" button, the Add Fields tab will be selected and you can select sub-fields to add.

  • If you want to go back to the main field you can simply click the "Back" arrow where indicated in the screenshot below

  • Once you get back to viewing your main field and the panel is expanded, you will see your sub-fields listed

Enable Alpha toggle

  • Applies to the Color picker only

  • If the toggle is On, the Default Alpha Value will be applied

  • If the toggle is Off, the Default Alpha Value will not be applied

Field key

The field key is used to reference your data from the relevant Schema in the Flamelink SDK

  • It is a required, alphanumeric field

  • The key is automatically generated but can be edited

  • Validation rules:
    1. Can not be numbers only
    2. Has to be unique

  • The field key becomes non-editable after you’ve created your schema for the first time

Field layout

  • Applicable to the Repeater field only

  • Choose between Table or List view

Table view

List view

Field name

Give your field a name, for example, Contact Number

  • Here is an example of how it will look in the content editor

Fields to show

Select the fields that should show in the content editor

  • Applicable to the "select (relational)" and "tree (relational)" fields only

  • Note: Before you can select fields to show you first have to select Relational Data where indicated in the screenshot below.

In this example, I added a Tree (Relational) and a Select (Relational) field and I only selected the Display Name to show. This is how it will look in the content editor.

Grid layout

Select how the field should be laid out for different screen sizes

  • All screen sizes (L, M, S, XS) are pre-populated with 1/1

Hidden field toggle

Hide the field in the content editor

  • If the toggle is on, then the field will not be visible in the content editor.

  • If the toggle is off, then the field will be visible in the content editor.

Linked field

Select another text field or any field that uses text-like data that you want to link your current field with. If changes are made to the linked field, the value of the Linked text field will automatically update.

  • Applicable to the Linked Text field only


Set the maximum value for the slider

  • Applicable to the range field only

Media types

Select what type of media can be uploaded

  • Applicable to the Media field only

  • Choose between Files, Images, or both


Set the maximum value for the slider

  • Applicable to the range field only


Add options to select in the content editor

  • At least one option is required

How to do this:
1. Add, for example, a "Select" Field
2. Click the "+" button underneath Options

3. Enter a Value and a Label (the label will be displayed in the content editor).

4. Save your Schema

In the content editor, you will see all of the options listed in a dropdown as shown in the screenshot below. Note: If you add a different field instead of a Select field, it might look different in the content editor e.g. checkboxes instead of a dropdown.

Overview fields and Overview fields separator

  • Applicable to the repeater field only

Overview fields: Select which fields should show in the overview table in the content editor. All of the fields that you have added in your Repeater field will be available to select in the dropdown - See A in the screenshots below

Overview fields separator: Select a character to separate your fields in the content overview table - See B in the screenshots below

A and B in the Schema builder

A and B in the content overview table after creating a content entry

Picker Views

Select which views to display in the date picker in the content editor

  • Applicable to the Date field only

  • You will have the following options to choose from:
    a) Day, Month, and Year
    b) Month and Year only
    c) Year only

Read-only toggle

Indicate whether a field should be editable in the content editor or not

  • If the toggle is on, the field will be visible in the content editor but non-editable

  • If the toggle is off, the field will be visible in the content editor and editable

Relational data

Select a Schema, Navigation, or Users to create a relationship with.

  • Applicable to the "select (relational)" and "tree (relational)" fields only

  • If you click on the dropdown you will see a list of your schemas, navigation, and users.
    Select one to create a relationship with to your current schema.

Selection limit

Add a limit to the number of images/files that can be selected in the content editor


Select a character to separate your fields in the content editor

  • Applicable to the "select (relational)" and "tree (relational)" fields only

If you select, for example, the vertical bar to separate the fields it will look like this in the content editor

Show in overview table toggle

  • If the toggle is on, the field will show in the overview table in the content editor

  • If the toggle is off, the field will not show in the overview table in the content editor

  • When adding the first field to your schema the toggle will be on by default but for the rest of the fields, the toggle will be off by default.

Step size

The increment at which the numeric value for the range field can be set

  • Applicable to the Range field only

Transform function(s)

Before completing this field you first need to specify a linked field. The linked field's value will be passed to these methods.

  • Applicable to the Linked Text field only

  • Options to choose from: camelCase, Capitalize, Deburr, Escape, kebab-case, lowercase, lOWER FIRST, snake_case, Start Case, to lower, TO UPPER, trim, Trim End, Trim Start, Unescape, UPPERCASE, Upper first

Unit of measure

  • Set a unit of measure that will be displayed in the content editor.

  • Applicable to the Range field only

Use Min and Max slider

  • Applicable to the Range field only

  • If the toggle is on: You can select both a min and max value within the slider range.
    The multiple values will get stored as an array of strings in the database.

  • If the toggle is off: You can only select a single value within the slider range.
    The single value will get stored as a string in the database.

Validation rules

Set validation rules to ensure data integrity

  • Click on the "+" button
    Select a rule from the dropdown
    Select and edit the rule options for your selected rule
    Click Save

  • Content entries cannot be saved unless all validation rules are met

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