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Integrate Search Platforms with Flamelink
Integrate Search Platforms with Flamelink

Integrate search with Flamelink using Algolia, Elasitc Search and other useful search platforms

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Written by Engineering
Updated over 2 years ago

If you have a large web application with a lot of content, it is important to provide a search capability that helps users find relevant content and find it FAST.

Firebase allows you to query search terms using both the Realtime Database and Cloud Firestore, however, to fully enhance the search experience and functionality on the frontend, it's recommended to integrate with a search platform.

Most search platforms will allow your users to get highly relevant search results, and get them quick. Their services allow you to index content (including files stored in your Storage Bucket), customise results, manage ranking and filter content by type, just to name a few.

Other useful features include auto-complete, machine learning, BI connectivity, reporting, analytics, alerts, monitoring, automated time-series data management, scaling, security enhancements etc.

As such Flamelink recommends integrating a dedicated search service into your application to take advantage of these powerful features. This means adopting a micro-services architecture for best of breed solutions to drive customer experience and adoption.

Firebase integrates with search platforms seamlessly. Listed below are links to some of the most popular search platforms that work well with Firebase and Flamelink.

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