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Flamelink Audit Logs

Keep track of user actions within Flamelink

Engineering avatar
Written by Engineering
Updated over 2 years ago

Audit Logs enable you to revisit user actions that took place within the Flamelink interface for a given project. This can be useful to determine when changes took place along with supporting context.

The Audit Logs feature is available as an add-on for our Firestarter, Bonfire & Inferno plans, and is included in the feature-set for Wildfire.

Please Note:

  • Audit Logs is currently only available for projects using Cloud Firestore

  • Audit Logs when enabled, could incur additional costs for your Firebase project since it creates write operations (and reads when viewed)

  • Log entries are only created when actions take place within the Flamelink interface and will not be created using either the Flamelink SDK or Firebase SDKs

  • Each log entry is written to your Firebase project database and is not stored on any of the Flamelink servers

  • If you are using custom Firebase database rules, please ensure read and create access is enabled for the relevant data location (for Cloud Firestore, logs are stored in the fl_auditLogs collection).

How to enable Audit Logs

Once you have ensured that the Audit Logs feature is enabled for your project, we can go ahead and enable logging.

As a project OWNER

  • Select the "Settings" tab from the project menu

  • Select "Audit Logs"

  • Toggle the "Enabled" switch

Retrieving logs

Now that our logs are enabled, and some user actions have taken place, let's go ahead and retrieve some of those logs.

Enter a From Date & End Date (optional) then select the "Search" button.

Viewing Log Details

To view the details for a given log, simply click on the row. This will present a screen with the full information for the selected log.

Audit Log Properties






Module for which the action took place



Action that took place.
save / delete / populate



Result of the action
success / failed


{ id: x1234, title: "Test" }

Data that was submitted for the action.

Some actions only contain a payload with a summary of the action. Such as restoring backups or populating environments.



Firebase User ID

User Display Name

Test User

Display name of the user

User Permission ID


Database entry ID for the user's permission group

CF: fl_permissions/{id}
RTDB: permissions/{id}

User Email

Email of the user

Selected Environment


Environment that was selected when the action took place

Selected Locale


Locale that was selected when the action took place

Date (User Locale)


Date at the user's location when the action took place

Time (User Locale)


Time at the user's location when the action took place
24h format including nanoseconds

UTC Date-Time

Wed, 17 Nov 2021 08:02:46 GMT

Date in UTC timezone

ISO Date-Time


Date in ISO timezone format

JSON Date-Time


Date in Browser JSON format



Browser timestamp format

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