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Bank transfers
Jane Gilhooly avatar
Written by Jane Gilhooly
Updated over a week ago

Having multiple bank accounts in the cash flow is great as you can see an overall picture of all accounts, but how are transfers between accounts recorded in Float?

Transfers between accounts will be accounted for in the 'Bank Transfers' row in the cash flow table. There are 2 situations where bank transfers would appear differently in the cash flow:

All relevant bank accounts included - With a transfer from one account to the other, as long as both accounts are included in the cash flow, then the 'Bank Transfers' row will show 0. Clicking into this cell will show the transfer out of one account and into another account.

Not all relevant bank accounts included - when a bank account that a transfer relates to is not included in the cash flow, the 'Bank Transfers' row will show the negative or positive sum of the transfers. This is due to only seeing one side of the transaction, previously we could see both sides, so the 'Bank Transfers' row will reflect cash in to, or out of, the included account.

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