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About [Home] screen
Written by Lisa Tateishi
Updated over a week ago

This article introduces various functions that can be used at [Home].


In the KPI box, you can check the data of each index specified in the period selection with numerical values and graphs,

Description of contents within the KPI box

(1) Actual value: This shows the actual value in the range specified in the period selection.

(2) Comparison period results: This shows the actual values within the selected comparison period.

(3) Comparison period comparison: The comparison between the selected period and the comparison period is expressed as a percentage or a real value.


By clicking the KPI box, it will display a time-series graph of the range specified in the period selection as shown in the image above.

(1) Transition of selection period: The transition of the selection period is represented by a blue line graph.

(2) Transition of comparison period: The transition of the comparison period is displayed as a dotted line graph.

* If you select only one day for the selection period, a graph of hourly transition will be displayed.

KPI Comaprison(Bubble chart)

KPI comparison (bubble chart) is a report that can analyze three indicators.

The horizontal axis represents the number of customers visiting the store and the size of the bubble represents sales, and only the vertical axis can be freely selected.

How to read the bubble chart

The bubble chart consists of four areas with the part separated by the central cross.

Bubbles belonging to each area are colored according to the conditions of that area.

* In the image below, the area is colored for convenience of explanation, but in the [Home] the color of the bubble will change.

Blue: Purchase rates and traffic are both high in this area.

Red: High traffic vs low purchase rate, can be expected to improve by increasing purchase rates.

Green: High purchase rates and low traffic, can be expected to improve by increasing traffic rates.

Purple: Both traffic and purchase rates are low in this area.

Comparison target

You can compare areas, stores, and AM (area manager) by clicking the part displayed as 〇〇 comparison at the top of the graph.

(1) Regional comparison: In regional comparison, two areas, [Eastern Japan] and [Western Japan], can be compared.

(2) Regional comparison: In regional comparison, up to 8 areas such as [Kanto], [Kinki], and [Tohoku] can be compared.

(3) Store comparison: It is possible to compare any combination of stores you wish.

(4) Common group comparison: In common group comparison, it is possible to compare by store type.

(5) AM comparison: In AM comparison, comparison by area manager is possible.

Target Achievement Rate

In the target data, the progression status towards the imported target value will be displayed.

① Daily: Displays the achievement from the beginning of the month to the day of viewing.

② Daily goal achievement level: Compares the sales and budget on the day of data browsing. (Comming soon)

③ Monthly: Displays the achievement percentage towards the budget up to the end of the month.

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