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Analytics Report breakdown and how to's
Analytics Report breakdown and how to's
Alex avatar
Written by Alex
Updated over a year ago

Flowcode Reports are the new way for Growth and Enterprise customers to access robust reporting on Flowcodes, Flowpages, and more. This is a fully self-service way for users to gather the data needed for their tracking purposes. Users have the ability to filter, schedule, and download data directly from the platform for codes and pages.

Flowcode offers two reports in the Analytics section of the platform:

  • Flowcode Analysis - houses all of your Flowcode data. This includes insights on all codes within your organization. You can find data on scan times, user engagement metrics and location analysis here.

  • Flowpage Analysis - houses all of your Flowpage data. This includes insights on pages within your org and data focused on page sessions, device usage and location analysis.

How to download Reports

First access the Analytics Report by navigating to Analytics > Report.

Note: this will be the same process for Flowcode and Flowpage.

To download an Analytics Report, click on the ellipses at the top right of the dashboard. From the pop up, select Download.


A new window will populate prompting you to select from the following options:

  • Format (PDF or CSV)

  • Paper size

  • Expand tables to show all rows

  • Arrange dashboard titles in a single column


Once you have updated the options for your download, click Download. The format you selected will then download to your computer.

How to schedule Reports

First access the Analytics Report by navigating to Analytics > Report.

Note: this will be the same process for Flowcode and Flowpage.

To schedule a Report click on the ellipses at the top right of the dashboard. From the pop up, select Schedule delivery.

Note: this will be the same process for Flowcode and Flowpage.


Once this is done, a new window will populate prompting you to select from three tabs: settings, filters, and advanced options.


On the settings tab, edit the fields to best fit your needs. Here you can adjust the following:

  • Recurrence

  • Time

  • Destination (Email, Webhook, Amazon S3, SFTP)

  • Email address(es)

  • Format (CSV zip file, PDF, PNG visualization )


Filters (Flowcode Analysis View)

The filters tab will have you confirm the following filters:

  • Event Date

  • Flowcode Creation Date

  • Flowcode Nickname

  • Flowcode ID

  • Folder Name

  • Account Owner Email

Here you can edit all 5 fields, or leave the inputs set to the default settings (all time data/values over the last 180 days). This customization will depend on your reporting needs.


Advanced options

The advanced options tab will allow you to add more customization options to your scheduled reports. Features here include:

  • Custom Message

  • Expand tables to show all rows

  • Arrange dashboard tiles in a single column

  • Paper size

  • Delivery timezone


Test now

Once you complete the scheduling flow, the Test now option is a great way to double check that all of your settings are saved and if the report is set correctly based on your reporting needs. If you need assistance please reach out to

Please note: the test now option will send a sample report to all of the emails listed previously in the Settings tab under Destinations.


Once you have updated settings, filters, advanced options and tested your report, hit Save. After saving your scheduled report, you will begin receiving reports based on the cadence specified in the Settings tab.

How to update your Report's timezone

To update the timezone of your Report, click on the ellipses at the top right of the dashboard. From the pop up, select the Each tile's time zone option.

Note: this will be the same process for all Reports available in the platform.


From the popup, click the arrow next toEach tile's time zone and select the timezone you wish to update your report to. Note, the list will be in alphabetical order:


Once you have selected your desired time zone hit Update to save.


If you are experiencing issues with your dashboards, reach out to

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