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How to add additional social media accounts

Your guide to adding other social media accounts

Publisher Support avatar
Written by Publisher Support
Updated over a week ago

Our media kit comes with an already curated medium called Social that includes 3 popular collections: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Let's say you wanted to add a fourth collection to your social media offering. Because our media kit is completely customizable, this is easy to do!

  1. Go to Media Kit > Products > Social.

  2. Click on Create New Collection.

   3. Either select a Collection Type from the drop-down menu or create your own by typing it in.

   4. Fill out the rest of the information (see image below).

   5. Hit Save!
   6. Next, click on your new collection to input your product information.

    7. Click on Create New Product

   8. Fill out the information needed on the General           tab.

   9. Next, go to the Pricing and Variants tab.

   10. Click on Add New Variant.

   11. Fill out the information needed.

   12. Next, go to Settings to select an already existing fulfillment method or create a new one.

   13. Click on Add New Method.

   14. To select an already existing fulfillment method, click on the drop down menu under Template.

To create a new fulfillment method, follow the instructions here.
   15. Click on Select and Save Changes.

   16. Now go back to the tab Pricing and Variants.

   17. Make sure you enable the fulfillment method.

   18. Click on Save Changes.

   19. Lastly, set up your schedule!

Feel free to let our platform generates dates for you.

Deselect the days of the weeks or the months of the year you don't run ads on.

20. Hit Generate Dates then Save!

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