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How To Invoice Clients

Create, customize, and send invoices.

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Written by Publisher Support
Updated over a week ago

You can create invoices from your billing page," on the “run dates” tab. The table on this page will show all ads booked in your flytedesk account, along with details about the ad and the cost of the ad.

Finding ads for an invoice

The first step in creating an invoice is finding all of the ads you’d like to add to your invoice. You can utilize the filter bar and the free text search bar to do this. Using the filter bar on the left side of the page, you can narrow the results on your table by:

  • Run Date

  • Product

  • Order Type

  • Status

  • Customer

  • Payment Schedule

You can also sort the table by selecting the desired sort criteria from the “sort by” dropdown at the bottom of the filter bar. A free text search bar is also at the top left of the page above the ads table.

Creating an invoice

To create an invoice, select all the ads you’d like to add, click the “action” dropdown in the top right above your ads table, then select “create invoice.” After selecting “create invoice,” you will be prompted to select settings for your invoice. These settings are:

  1. Terms: select whether the invoice should be on Net 10, 15, 30, 60, or 90 terms. If you’ve already selected default terms for the associated customer, that default will automatically populate in this dropdown.

  2. Billing period: Only selected ads within the indicated billing period will be added to your invoice. If an ad were booked using the time block schedule type (for example, a billboard ad booked for two months), only the portion of the ad that falls within your selected billing period would be added to the invoice.

  3. Due Date: The invoice's due date will automatically adjust based on the terms selected. You can also select a custom due date.

  4. Issue Date: The issue date selection field will show today’s date by default. You can also select a custom issue date.

Once you’ve selected the settings you want for your invoice, click the “create” button in the bottom right of the settings window. Once the invoice has been created, you can go back and find that invoice at any time by clicking on the “invoices” tab of your billing page.

Customizing an invoice

Once an invoice has been created, you have several editing and customization options. To edit your invoice:

  1. navigate to the “Invoices” tab on your billing page

  2. Click the "View/Edit Invoice" option from the action column next to the invoice you’d like to edit. This will take you to a page with a view of the invoice document.

    On this page, you can:

  • Edit the document logo: You can edit the logo in the top left corner of each invoice document by hovering over this logo and clicking "click to upload." You can change the default to your ad shop profile photo by navigating to your ad shop settings and selecting "show my logo on billing documents."

  • Edit invoice settings: To edit the issue date, terms, and due date, hover over the top right section of your invoice and select the information you'd like to edit.

  • Edit ads on the invoice: If you'd like to remove an ad from an invoice, hover over the line item you'd like to remove and select the red trash can icon next to it.

  • Add additional line items: To add an extra discount or fee to an invoice, hover over the document, and select "Add Line Item" right underneath the main list of ads. After selecting, a blank line will appear in your list, and you can edit the description, date, quantity, and amount.

  • Add notes: To add notes to your invoice, hover over the bottom section of the document and type your notes in the note field.

Sending an invoice

Once you’ve created your invoice, you can send it to your client by downloading a pdf version or by sending your client a link to view the invoice online. To access that share link, first, find the invoice you’d like to send on the invoices table on your billing page. Then, click on the action menu on the far right side of the table next to that invoice, and select “share invoice.” This will display the link you can copy and send to your clients. You also have the option to “preview shareable link” from here, which will show you precisely what your clients will see when clicking on that link.

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