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Creating and Editing SKUs

Learn how to create and manage SKUs (Stock Keeping Units)

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Written by Publisher Support
Updated over a week ago

What is a SKU?

Each product variant in your media kit is associated with a unique code called a SKU (Stock Keeping Unit). You can use SKUs internally to track inventory and to uniquely identify specific products. Flytedesk will automatically generate a default SKU when any new product variant is created, based on that variant's categorization within your media kit structure. However, you can change this automatically created SKU at any time to better fit your organization's inventory structure. Here are some things to keep in mind when creating SKUs:

  • Format: SKUs can be any combination of letters, numbers, underscores, and dashes. When choosing the format for your SKUs to follow, consider what attributes are most useful in distinguishing your products from one another. For example, you may select a SKU pattern that outlines the medium type, product name, and color option - so the SKU PR-FP-FC would refer to your print, full page, full color product variant.

  • Length: Try to keep your SKUs short and easily readable. We recommend using no more than 20 characters per SKU.

  • Unique: SKUs must be unique for each product variant to accurately track inventory availability.

Editing SKUs

When editing a SKU for an already existing product variant, you'll be asked to decide whether you'd like to create a new SKU or Migrate an existing SKU. Here are some things to keep in mind when making that determination:

  • Create a new SKU: This option will change the SKU for all ads booked as that variant moving forward but will not change the SKU for instances of that variant booked historically. Choose this option if you're changing the SKU because that variant represents a change in the product variant itself, which you would not want to be associated with its previous version when managing inventory or reporting.

  • Migrate existing SKU: This option will change the SKU for all ads booked as that variant moving forward in addition to all historical instances of that variant. Choose this option if this SKU change represents a change in your organizational system rather than a change in the product variant itself.

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