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E-Newsletter Ad Serving for Ad Shop Users
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Written by Publisher Support
Updated over 6 months ago


Flytedesk's ad serving solution for email newsletters offers several efficiencies and valuable features compared to static, manual ad placement:

What is ad serving and how does it work?

Ad serving is a technology solution that decides which ads to display on websites, apps, emails, etc., and then "serves" those ads.

This is accomplished by placing ad serving tags (HTML code) on the properties (e.g. e-newsletters) where ads are to be displayed.

FIG 1: Sample Flytedesk ad serving tag:

<a href="*|DATE:m-d-y|*?key=*|UNIQID|*">
<img border="0" src="*|DATE:m-d-y|*?key=*|UNIQID|*" />

Once your Flytedesk ad serving tags are placed in your e-newsletter template(s), any time your e-newsletter is opened by a recipient, a request is made to Flytedesk's ad server to return an ad that is eligible to serve for each tag (placement). All of this happens auto-magically.

How to place your Flytedesk ad serving tags

What you will need:

Step 1 of 2:

Edit your e-newsletter template in Mailchimp and drop a new Code block into your template (where you want your ad to appear)

Step 2 of 2:

Delete the placeholder text between the green <div> tags in the Code block editor and replace it with your Flytedesk ad serving code (copy-paste).

...And you're all set!

Simply repeat the two steps above for any additional ad serving tags you wish to place in your e-newsletter template.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Mailchimp the only email platform supported?

Yes. Mailchimp is the currently the only email marketing platform that provides the functionality required for ads to serve correctly on all devices and email services (e.g. Gmail, Apple Mail, Outlook).

Are there any additional Flytedesk costs/fees for e-newsletter ad serving?

Not at this time. There is a third-party cost to providing this solution (that Flytedesk currently subsidizes) which may be passed on to Publishers in the future.

How do I ensure an ad receives 100% share-of-voice in each e-newsletter placement?

If multiple ads are scheduled to run in the same placement (tag) on the same date(s), our ad server will evenly rotate those ads. To ensure any ad receives 100% SOV for a specific placement, do not schedule any other ads on the same date(s).

Will email recipients only see ads on the scheduled dates?

Yes. By default, if a particular ad is scheduled to run on January 1st, any recipient who opens your e-newsletter after that date will not see that ad. This is the optimal behavior if you send daily e-newsletters. If you send e-newsletters less frequently and wish to auto-extend the delivery window for your ads, please contact your Flytedesk account manager to enable this feature.

Other Email Platforms

If you are utilizing an email platform other than Mailchimp, you will need to update your ad serving tags.

  • Replace *|DATE:m-d-y|* with [% date:monthSHORT %]-[% date:day %]-[% date:year %]

  • Replace *|UNIQID|* with [% member:member_id default="email" %]

FIG 2: Sample Flytedesk ad serving tag for Emma:

<a href="[% date:monthSHORT %]-[% date:day %]-[% date:year %]?key=[% member:member_id default="email" %]">
<img border="0" src="[% date:monthSHORT %]-[% date:day %]-[% date:year %]?key=[% member:member_id default="email" %]" />

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