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Influencer Verifications & Payments
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Written by Publisher Support
Updated over a week ago


Flytedesk's mobile solution for Influencers offers several efficiencies and valuable features:

  • Instantly access and track the status of your ads on your mobile device

  • Take and upload verification images & metrics all within the mobile app

  • Communicate directly with your Flytedesk account manager via comments

  • Preview your Flytedesk earnings

  • Complete your payment setup (W-9 & Melio confirmation)

Why do ads need to be verified?

Flytedesk requires "proof-of-placement" or "proof-of-performance" (POP) for every ad in order to ensure quality standards and provide advertisers peace of mind.

Verifications typically require visual confirmation of placement or delivery (i.e. a photo or screenshot of the ad), as well as any metrics associated with delivery and/or performance (i.e. number of impressions, clicks, etc.).

How to verify your ads on mobile

What you will need:

  • Login credentials (email & password) provided by your Flytedesk account manager

  • Your mobile device (phone or tablet connected to the Internet)

  • One or more Flytedesk ads that you are ready to verify

Step 1: Sign into your account

Open this URL in your mobile browser:

Sign in with your email & password

To reset your password, tap the "Forgot your password" link

Select your Campus

Step 2: Submit your post link (URL)

As soon as your post goes live, select the corresponding ad from the Unverified tab

Paste the link (URL) of your post in the "Link to post" field and tap the "Submit" button (your updates will not save unless you tap submit)

Step 3: Submit your post image/video & metrics

Please wait a minimum of 24 hours after posting before submitting your post metrics

Upload your post image/video & enter all of the required metrics & information

Your updates will be saved automatically

Your ad has been submitted for verification review

You can monitor that status of all your submissions in the Verified tab

Your Flytedesk account manager will review your submission and communicate via comments if any changes are needed.

If your ad verification has been rejected, don't panic :) Simply review the comments provided by your Flytedesk account manager and make any requested changes before you resubmit your verification.

Communicate with your Flytedesk Account Manager

Tap the "Comments" tab in the ad details to view your communication

Tap the "+ Add a comment" button to respond or ask a question

Enter your comment or response and tap the "Submit" button

How to receive your payments

What you will need:

  • Login credentials (email & password) provided by your Flytedesk account manager

  • Your mobile device (phone or tablet connected to the Internet)

  • At least one Flytedesk ad that has been invoiced

  • Welcome email from (Flytedesk's payment provider)

Step 1: Sign into your account

Open this URL in your mobile browser:

Sign in with your email & password

When prompted to complete your payment setup, tap the "View payment setup" button

You can also access the payment setup wizard by tapping the menu button in the upper-right of the app, or by tapping the "Payment setup required" message

Step 2: Submit your W-9 form information

Tap the "W-9 Form Completion" link to submit your information

Enter the required information in the form and tap the "Send Form" button when you are done

Step 3: Confirm Melio (payment) setup

Tap the "Melio Account Activation" link to confirm that you are set up to receive payments via (Flytedesk's payment provider)

Check the box at the bottom of the screen and tap the "Submit" button

...And you're all set!

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I need to change or update my verification images or metrics?

No problem. You can replace or upload additional photos & images, as well as update metrics for any ads you have verified.

Why is the app requesting permission to access my location?

For certain ad types (e.g. posters, news racks, billboards) we require verification of the actual geo-location of the ad placement, which our app automatically captures from the verification photo(s) you submit.

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