What You Can Do With Teikametrics
📊 Create AMC Audiences
Use pre-built audience templates to build custom segments without writing any queries.
🛍 Create Product Audiences
Build audience segments based on shopper behavior tied to specific ASINs.
Supported Behavior Types: Product views, product purchases, similar product views, product searches.
Customizable Segments: Further customize your audiences based on recent shopper behavior across a range of lookback periods, including the ability to create multiple audiences with different lookback windows in a single submission.
🎯 Apply Audiences to DSP Campaigns
Easily add custom or pre-built audiences to your line items for optimized targeting.
How To... (Step by Step)
Go to your Audiences Dashboard in Teikametrics
Click "Create Audience"
Choose AMC or DSP Products as your Audience Type
Select your DSP Advertiser or Sponsored Ads Account (AMC Only)
For AMC...
Filter the template options by your desired advertising goal(s) to find the audience behavior you want to target OR search across all available options by name or description.
Click on the Audience Behavior you want.
Provide a Name, Description, and Custom Date Range.
Decide whether you want Teikametrics to automatically refresh the group of shoppers within the audience. If so, how often do you want to refresh the data?
Refine the audience segment further by including specific ASINs or Search Keywords depending on the template selected.
Click Submit.
For DSP Product Audiences...
Enter the list of ASINs you want to use to target shoppers.
Choose one or more advertising goals and Teikametrics will suggest an audience to create.
You may create as many audiences per advertising goal as you'd like and optionally choose any supported behavior type, regardless of the goal type.
After submission of your audiences, Teikametrics will tag each audience with the corresponding goal so it can easily be found across your library of audiences later on.
If you choose to "Create Custom", Teikametrics will not tag the audiences you create with a goal.
Provide a Name, Lookback Window(s), and Description.
Click Submit.
Once approved by Amazon, your audiences will appear in your audiences dashboard and be available to use for any DSP line item targeting.
Why This Matters
✨ Simplify Audience Targeting: Say goodbye to fragmented tools — now you can manage everything in one place.
📈 Improve Campaign Performance: Fine-tune your targeting for better conversions and ROAS.
⏱ Save Time: Streamline workflows and eliminate time-consuming manual tasks.