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Teikametrics Advertising Glossary: Key Terms and Definitions
Teikametrics Advertising Glossary: Key Terms and Definitions
Updated over 8 months ago

Navigating the world of advertising can be complex, with numerous terms and metrics to understand. This guide is designed to help you get a clear grasp of the essential terminology used in Teikametrics and e-commerce advertising.

ACoS: Advertising Cost per Sale: Measures the effectiveness of your advertising. Is calculated by: (ad spend / ad sales)*100

ROAS: Return on advertising spend divides the dollar amount produced in sales by the dollar amount spent on advertising (total sales / total spend). It is simply an inverse of ACoS, so RoAS = 1/ACoS. Unlike ACoS, it is represented as a number that is interpreted as an index (multiplier) rather than %.

Impression: When an ad appears in page results.

Click: Consumer was shown an ad and engaged.

Cost Per Click (CPC): The average amount of spend per click = (spend / clicks)

Click-Through Rate (CTR): The rate by which a click results from each impression = (Clicks/impressions)

Ad Sales: Sales generated by Sponsored Product and Sponsored Brands advertising over a given time period.

Ad Spend: Total amount spent on Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands advertising over a given time period.

Ad Conversion: An action that's counted when someone interacts with your ad, defined here as a click resulting in a sale. *Multiple units could be purchased in a single conversion*

Ad Conversion Rate: The percentage (%) of customers who clicked on an ad and resulted in a sale over a given time.

  • Calculation: (Orders/Clicks) * 100

ACoS Targets: An input within our bidding algorithm that dictates a user’s willingness to spend or their bidding strategy. Set at the ad group level, this enables bid automation. This represents the percentage of a sale you're willing to spend to earn a click.

Sponsored Brands: Ads that feature your brand logo, a custom headline, and multiple products. These ads appear in relevant shopping results and help drive the discovery of your brand among customers shopping for products like yours.

Sponsored Display: Ads that promote individual product listings on Amazon. In just a few minutes, you can create a campaign, even if you've never advertised before.

Sponsored Products: Ads that promote individual product listings on Amazon. In just a few minutes, you can create a campaign, even if you've never advertised before.

Sponsored Brand Video: a type of Sponsored Brand ad and is only available to sellers enrolled in the Brand Registry program. Video ads were introduced in early 2020—and this relative newness makes it a great way to stand out from the competition

Campaign Targeting Type: The type of campaign your keywords are targeting.

Campaign Daily Budget: The daily budget set per campaign.

Ad Groups: a way to organize and manage ads within a campaign. You can use ad groups to group your ads by brand, product, category, price range, or other classifications like theme or targeting strategy. You set a bid that is used when an ad group's keyword or product targeting triggers an ad to appear.

Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): Direct costs of producing the goods sold by a company, includes the cost of materials and labor directly used to create the good; excludes indirect expenses, such as distribution costs. Vary by seller and product, unique to each individual.

Units Sold: Total number of units sold per SKU over a given time.

Market Intelligence Terms:

Market Intelligence: keyword data gathered about the position in the market of your product or brand.

Brand Coverage on Search: the percentage of product placements a brand has on page 1 (ONLY) of search over the time frame selected. BCS highlights the overall and day-by-day performance of the top brands that appear on the first page of search results.

Average Product Rank: The average product rank is calculated by looking at all of the product positions, since rank will change for each search, and the number of times the product appeared. The lower the number, the higher you appear on the page. This includes both paid and Organic

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