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Walmart SBA Ads

Policies & practices for Search Brand Amplifier campaigns

Updated over a week ago

Search Brand Amplifier is a premium ad placement that showcases your brand and a curated product portfolio to customers searching Walmart’s site and app
for your products.

SBA Policy Guide & Best Practice for Walmart Platform Partner Campaigns

Minimum Requirements

Who can run SBA campaigns?
SBA campaigns over API is only available for Walmart Suppliers (1P)
Ads will not be served for in-store only items/ SKUs.
Fashion Brands are restricted from running SBA Campaigns.

SKU eligibility
Products featured in the ad are based on relevancy, inventory availability, and quality checks
(Logo/image quality and landing page URL)
Products must win the buy box*

Products must be published, in stock, and the base item should be eligible for add to cart (in-store only items are not eligible)

The category of the search query and the product must match for the ads to show.
*Requirements to win the Buy Box: The product is consistently in stock and competitively priced, with positive reviews, fast shipping, and
on-time delivery.

SKU requirement
For an SBA to serve on Desktop: Minimum of 2 SKUs are required
For an SBA to serve on mWeb and App: Minimum requirement is of 1 SKU.
For an SBA to serve on all 3 platforms (Desktop, App and mWeb): Minimum 2 SKUs are required
(subjected to inventory - in stock at all times).

Asset Requirement

▪Logo image specifications for best quality and performance: 300px by 180px
▪Transparent PNG file format
▪File size between 150-200 KB
▪Include white or transparent background
▪If using a white background, crop any extra white space around the image
▪Edges of content should touch all images edges
▪Remove any borders around the image
▪Additional callouts:

▪Advertisers can choose to have a branded or non-branded logo.
Note: If the image is not clear, pixelated, or does not meet any of the above-mentioned criteria, the same will be rejected.

Brand name
Brand names will be 35 characters including space.
Should match the logo.
Should case sensitivity with the logo.
Can use special characters: $, ®,™, etc.


The maximum length is 45 characters.
Headline can contain brand name but cannot contain a competitor name.

Landing Page
Landing Page URL links the logo to the page when clicked, takes the user to either a Browse or Search page.
Custom shelf pages can also be used, but will not be created by WMC

Landing page URL requirement
Only Search, Browse, and Shelf pages are accepted.
Collection Page and item pages will not be accepted as a landing page.
A maximum of 255 characters are accepted.
The URL must not contain double pipes ‘||’ as it redirects to the home

Keyword Conquesting Policy
Walmart Connect does not permit conquesting of competitors' branded keywords in Sponsored Product ads.

Prohibited Ad Content
Ads containing the following content will not be served by WMC:
▪ Illicit Drugs
▪ Gambling
▪ Guns and Gun Accessories
▪ Pornography
▪ Potentially slanderous or libelous content
▪ Vulgar language
▪ Liquor of any kind
▪ Sexually explicit/implicit/adult-oriented content
▪ Graphic violence
▪ Contraceptives
▪ Death
▪ Political campaigns
▪ Content targeted toward children (COPPA)
▪ Religious
▪ 900 Phone numbers
▪ Marijuana
▪ Pharmaceuticals

Restricted Content
Prescription drugs are not allowed for advertisement.
Brand logo: This cannot contain sexual images or content as this content is not permitted.

Restricted Keyword Guidelines
Any keywords related to sensitive physical/medical conditions or sensitive bodily functions or conditions.
The same applies to any prescription drug.
The list of approved keywords depends on the product. In general, the bidded keywords should be strictly related to the product(s) or the brand promoted.

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