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Brands and Competitors: How to Tag Your Products
Brands and Competitors: How to Tag Your Products

Leveraging brand and competitor tags to improve Predictive AI and Automated Targeting intelligence

Updated over a week ago

Adding your brand and competitor tags allows Teikametrics AI to make smarter keyword recommendations, and route those keywords to the correct ad group. This feature allows you to efficiently input and manage your brand and competitor names, tagging this metadata to your products in bulk.

Accessing the Brand and Competitor Tagging Feature

  1. Navigate to the Workflow Page:

    • Go to the "Products" section.

    • Select "Brands & Competitors" from the dropdown menu.

  2. Viewing Connected Merchants:

    • On the left-hand side of the page, you will see all of your connected merchants.

    • The number next to each merchant indicates how many products are missing brand and competitor tags.

    • Easily switch between merchants to begin entering this information.

  3. Opt-Out Option:

    • If you don’t have brands or competitors for a merchant, check the box that says "I don’t have brands or competitors or I don’t sell from this merchant" and click "Submit".

    • This action will remove these from the recommendation hub as a required task. You can always opt back in by returning to this page and unchecking the box.

Tagging Options

  1. Assign to All:

    • Use this option if all products under a merchant share the same brand and competitor tags.

    • Adding Brand and Competitors:

      • Enter your brand name on the left-hand side.

      • Add your competitor names on the right-hand side.

      • Click "Save Changes" to apply these tags to all products in your catalog for that merchant.

  2. Custom Assign:

    • Choose this option if you have multiple brands under one merchant.

    • Adding Brand and Competitors:

      • Enter all your brand names and competitors at the top of the page and click Save Changes.

      • Select the products you want to tag from the list below.

      • Click "Assign Tags to Selected Products".

      • A flyout will appear where you can choose which brands and competitors to assign to the selected products.

      • Click "Submit" to save your changes automatically.

Switching Between Assign Options

  • If you initially chose Custom Assign but later decide that the tags are applicable to all products, you can switch back to Assign to All:

    • Click the three dots in the right-hand corner.

    • Select "Switch to Assign to All".

    • Here, you can also find the option to "Clear List" if you need to start over.

Keeping Your Catalog Updated

  • When new products are added to your catalog or new inventory arrives, you’ll receive reminders in the recommendation hub to update your tags.

  • The number of products missing this metadata will be displayed, prompting you to take action.

CSV Upload

You can also add brand and competitor names by using the CSV upload functionality. This feature is available for both "Assign to All" and "Custom Assign" options.

Assign to All:

  • Upload the CSV template containing the brand and competitor names.

  • Ensure that the brand and competitor names are separated by commas in the corresponding columns.

Custom Assign:

  • Download the CSV template, which includes a list of all your products.

  • Fill in the brand and competitor names in the respective columns. Separate multiple names with commas.

  • Upload the completed CSV file to bulk-assign tags to your products.

Benefits of Tagging Your Products

  • Enhanced Keyword Recommendations: Ensure that our AI-powered keyword recommendations are accurate and relevant.

  • Proper Routing: Keywords will be routed to the correct ad groups, improving campaign performance.

  • AI-generated Keyword Recommendations: Leverage advanced AI capabilities for creating brand and competitor campaigns efficiently.

This scalable solution keeps your product catalog up to date and maximizes the potential of Teikametrics’ powerful features.

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