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Which fields are editable in Ads Manager?

Learn what fields are editable for each ad type and ad level in Ads Manager

Updated over a week ago

Ads Manager allows you to manage and change your existing advertisements directly in Flywheel so that you don't have to ever leave the platform to make changes. These editable fields depend on the Sales Channel, Ad Type, and Ad Level. Learn more with the sections below.


Sponsored Products

The Walmart Sponsored Products ad type has 4 levels: Campaigns, Ad groups, Product ads, and Keyword targets. Expand the sections below to view which fields are editable for each ad level.


At the campaign level, the following channel settings are editable:

  • Campaign name

  • Campaign status - Live, Paused, Completed

  • End date

  • Campaign daily budget

  • Campaign lifetime budget

  • Budget rollover - True, False

  • Search carousel placement - Included, Excluded

  • Item buybox placement - Included, Excluded

  • Item carousel placement - Included, Excluded

  • Buy box bid multiplier

  • Search ingrid bid multiplier

  • Home page bid multiplier

  • Desktop bid multiplier

  • App bid multiplier

  • Mobile bid multiplier

Ad groups

At the ad group level, the following sales channel settings are editable:

  • Ad group status

If you have a Flywheel AI subscription, the following Flywheel Settings are editable:

Flywheel Bidder Settings

  • Automated Bidding - Active, Inactive

  • ACoS Target

  • Min bid

  • Max bid

Flywheel Keyword Actions Settings

  • Ad group Tags - Brand, Competitor, Generic, No tag

  • Keyword Recommendations - Review, Add automatically

Product ads

At the Product ads level, the following settings are editable:

  • Product ad status - Enabled, Disabled. Auto campaigns only.

  • Bid

Keyword targets

At the Keyword target level, the following settings are editable:

  • Tags - Brand, Competitor, Generic

  • Target status - Enabled, Paused

  • Bid

Search Brand Amplifier (Sponsored Brands)

Search Brand Amplifier (also known as Sponsored Brands) ad type has 5 levels: Campaigns, Ad groups, Product ads, Profiles, and Keyword targets.

Expand the sections below to view which fields are editable for each ad level.


At the campaign level, the following channel settings are editable:

  • Campaign name

  • Campaign status - Live, Paused, Completed

  • End date

  • Campaign daily budget

  • Campaign lifetime budget

  • Budget rollover - True, False

Ad groups

At the ad group level, the following channel settings are editable:

  • Ad group name

  • Ad group status - Enabled, Disabled

  • Ad group review status - You can cancel a review only when the review status is in progress

If you have a Flywheel AI subscription, the following Flywheel Settings are editable:

  • Automated Bidding - Active, Inactive

  • ACoS Target

  • Min bid

  • Max bid

Product ads

At the Product ads level, the following settings are editable:

  • Product ad status - Enabled, Disabled


At the Profiles level, the following channel settings are editable:

  • Brand - Brand can be updated when the campaign is paused. It cannot be updated without pausing the campaign.

  • Profile status - At least one profile must be active in a campaign. If the campaign has 1 profile, profile status cannot be edited.

  • Headline - Headline can be updated when the campaign is paused. It cannot be updated without pausing the campaign.

  • Click URL - Click URL can be updated when the campaign is paused. It cannot be updated without pausing the campaign.

Keyword targets

At the keyword level, the following channel settings are editable:

  • Target status - Enabled, Paused, Archived

  • Bid


Sponsored Products

The Amazon Sponsored Products ad type has 5 levels: Campaigns, Ad groups, Product ads, Keyword targets, and Product targets. Expand the sections below to view which fields are editable for each ad level.


At the campaign level, the following channel settings are editable:

  • Campaign name

  • Portfolio

  • Campaign status - Enabled, Paused, Archived

  • End date

  • Campaign daily budget

  • Amazon bidding strategy - Dynamic bids down only, Dynamic bids up and down, Fixed bid

  • Product page bid multiplier

  • Top of search bid multiplier

Ad groups

At the ad group level, the following sales channel settings are editable:

  • Ad group name

  • Ad group status - Enabled, Paused, Archived

  • Ad group default bid

If you have a Flywheel AI subscription, the following Flywheel Settings are editable:

Flywheel Bidder Settings

  • Automated Bidding - Active, Inactive

  • ACoS Target

  • Min bid

  • Max bid

Flywheel Keyword Actions Settings

  • Ad group Tags - Brand, Competitor, Generic, No tag

  • Keyword Recommendations - Review, Add automatically

Product Ads

At the product ad level, the following channel settings are editable:

  • Product ad status - Enabled, Paused, Archived

Keyword targets

At the Keyword target level, the following channel settings are editable:

  • Tags - Brand, Competitor, Generic

  • Target status - Enabled, Paused, Archived

  • Bid

Product targets

At the Product target level, the following channel settings are editable:

  • Target status - Enabled, Paused, Archived

  • Bid

Sponsored Brands

The Amazon Sponsored Brands ad type has 5 levels: Campaigns, Ad groups, SB Ads, Keyword targets, and Product targets. Expand the sections below to view which fields are editable for each ad level.


At the campaign level, the following channel settings are editable:

  • Campaign name

  • Portfolio

  • Campaign status - Enabled, Paused, Archived, Pending, Draft

  • End date

  • Campaign daily budget (Not available for Video campaigns)

  • Campaign lifetime budget (Not available for Video campaigns)

  • Amazon bid optimization - On, Off (Not available for Video campaigns)

Ad groups

At the ad group level, the following channel settings are editable:

  • Ad group name

  • Ad group status - Enabled, Paused, Archived

If you have a Flywheel AI subscription, the following Flywheel Settings are editable:

  • Automated Bidding - Active, Inactive

  • ACoS Target

  • Min bid

  • Max bid

SB Ads

There are no editable fields available for SB Ads

Keyword targets

At the Keyword target level, the following channel settings are editable:

  • Target status - Enabled, Paused, Archived

  • Bid

Product targets

At the Product target level, the following channel settings are editable:

  • Target status - Enabled, Paused, Archived

  • Bid

Sponsored Display

The Amazon Sponsored Display ad type has 4 levels: Campaigns, Ad groups, Product ads, and Targets. Expand the sections below to view which fields are editable for each ad level.


At the campaign level, the following channel settings are editable:

  • Campaign name

  • Portfolio

  • Campaign status - Enabled, Paused, Archived

  • End date

  • Campaign daily budget

Ad groups

At the ad group level, the following channel settings are editable:

  • Ad group default bid

  • Ad group status - Enabled, Paused, Archived

If you have a Flywheel AI subscription, the following Flywheel Settings are editable when campaigns have cost type = CPC:

  • Automated Bidding - Active, Inactive

  • ACoS Target

  • Min bid

  • Max bid

Product ads

At the product ad level, the following channel settings are editable:

  • Product ad status - Enabled, Paused, Archived


At the Targets level, the following channel settings are editable:

  • Target status - Enabled, Paused, Archived

  • Bid

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