Teikametrics now offers Agency customers the ability to better manage multiple sub-accounts!
Agency Edition includes the following functionality:
Nested Accounts without Compromising Client Data: Agency customers will be able to create sub-accounts for their clients to gate access and reporting features. Importantly, agencies will be able to bring their clients directly into Teikametrics without compromising data security.
Expanded Business Intelligence: It provides agencies access to templated, ongoing additional insights, and customized reports as needed. It also gives users the ability to allow users to access this directly from Teikametrics but also to download and share as needed.
What does the user experience look like?
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get Agency Edition turned on for my Agency account?
Contact agencysupport@teikametrics.com to get this activated for your account. Once your account is activated for Agency Edition you can follow the below steps.
How do I add new Client Accounts to Parent Agency Accounts as an internal Teikametrics person?
Sign in to Teikametrics
Search for the Agency from the Account Switcher and Select that account
Click on “+” to Create a new Agency Client Account
Enter Agency Client Account and Connect Data, Invite Users, Etc.
What happens if I don’t create Client accounts?
If an Agency client doesn’t want to create client accounts and would like all client accounts aggregated within the Parent Agency accounts, they don’t need to create child accounts. This is the only way to currently have an all-up aggregated view of all accounts.
How do I add Users to Agency Client Accounts?
Sign in to Teikametrics
Search for the Agency from the Account Switcher and Select that account
Click on “+” to Create a new Agency Client Account
Enter the Agency Client Account, click on the Account gear and select Users
Click Invite User
Add User
Do users on Agency Client Accounts have permission to create or edit campaigns, keywords, or bidder settings in Teikametrics?
Yes - All users currently may make changes to campaigns, keywords, and bidder settings.
Note: We plan to add a new User Permission called Collaborator which would allow for the restriction of create/edit functionality. (Coming in 2024)
How do I change the name of a nested account (Client Account?)
Note: Only account owner of the nested/child account can edit the name.
Sign in to Teikametrics
Click on "Accounts" from the left main navigation
Click on “Company”
Click on “Change” to edit the name of the nested/child account