Past Value Metrics
Kelvin Hudson avatar
Written by Kelvin Hudson
Updated over a week ago

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What does this feature do?

Past Value Metrics allow you to use data within your data table from a previous month to power a formula/calculation.

Why should I care?

There are several use cases for “past data” when building a model, two of the most common being customer referrals as a customer acquisition strategy or repeat purchase behavior (where past customers repurchase in the current motnth).

Where can I find it?

Revenue streams which include repeat purchase metrics will have a past value metric included by default and so will customer referral strategies from the customer acquisition section. If you click “add metric” in any drawer within the assumptions page you can change any default input metric to a past value metric by adjusting the “metric type” within the edit menu.

How should I use it?

Use past value metrics to link the data from previous months in formula/calculation metrics. This is commonly used to create running totals in custom objects or accounting for churn in subscriptions where some % of the previous month’s total customers will choose not to continue using the subscription/service.


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