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Kelvin Hudson avatar
Written by Kelvin Hudson
Updated over a week ago

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What does this feature do?

Scenarios, at the moment, allow you to create a blank canvas which can house a second version of your financial model. In the future, you will be able to duplicate an existing scenario with the press of a button, eliminating the need to rebuild it to test out different strategies.

Why should I care?

It’s very integral (and often requested by investors) to see your financial projections as they are across different expected outcomes.

Where can I find it?

Scenarios are located by clicking the drop-down arrow to the right of your company name in the upper-right corner of the screen.

How should I use it?

Use scenarios to perform mock sensitivity analysis. What if I kept everything the same but hired more people this month? How does that affect my runway? Or if I double my price and cut expenses how will that affect my profit margins? Use scenarios to create and test different circumstances that you could expect to operate under to better prepare yourself as a business owner for pivots and unexpected occurrences as well as communicate your foresight for these events to investors.


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