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🎓 Courses

Creating an online course doesn't have to be hard. With Forento, you'll be able to craft compelling training within minutes.

Adrian avatar
Written by Adrian
Updated over a week ago

What is a course?

On Forento, creators from more than 130 countries actively create and sell online courses. These courses range from short, text-based training to hour-long video content.

A course on Forento can include:

  • Text content

  • Images

  • Video content

  • Quizzes with answer options

  • Questions with free text entry

  • External links

  • Downloadable attachments

The course is structured around chapters, which act as modules of content. Each chapter can have as many pages of content as you’d like, but we usually recommend keeping it short and digestible, to make sure you maintain a smooth user experience for your customers.

How to create a course

To create a new course, go to Courses then click the Create course button.

When you've pressed the button, you'll be asked to enter a title and short description. These will act as the initial details of your course. You'll also be able to set some initial settings for the comment section of your course.

Enable comments will allow any students of your course to publish comments under it. The toggle below allows you to regulate whether or not comments are made public instantly. If disabled, you'll be asked to approve each comment before it's visible to other students.

When you've entered a title and short description you'll be brought to the course creation area. Here's where you'll add content to your course.

The first step toward creating your million-dollar course is adding a chapter. Do so by clicking the "+" icon under the "Publish course" button. This will generate an Untitled chapter, which you can rename by clicking the pen icon at the top of your screen.

When you've added a chapter, you'll be able to start adding pages to that chapter. A course page will always include a title and text section, the ability to add external links and downloadable resources. However, there are four formats, depending on what type of content you want to add to each page.

📺Video page

  • Allows you to upload any video directly from your computer to the course. There’s no limit to how long the video can be or its quality.

📄Text page

  • For text pages, you’ll be able to enter a title, and text and upload an image. You can choose to either display the image in full or have it shown as a banner. (The example page on the screenshot has no image added, see the images below for both banner and full-display examples)

❓Quiz page

  • With quiz pages, you can test your student's knowledge with multiple-choice questions. Add at least one correct and one incorrect option and you're good to go. You can also add multiple correct or incorrect options. The students will need to choose the correct answer to move forward in your course. (The example page on the screenshot has an image added, displayed in full)

📃Input page

  • Similarly to forms, Input pages allow you to collect information from your students. Rather than asking a question and supplying options to choose from, you can have your students provide their answers in free text. You can also use this page format to collect feedback, reviews, or other strings of text. (The example page on the screenshot has an image added, displayed as a banner. The input setting is set to display multiple lines, allowing for a longer answer)

Course settings

The course settings view allows you to set up how your course is displayed not only on your platform but also when sharing it on social media. You can enter a detailed description, and set pricing & availability. Here's also where you can assign course testers.

Course information

On the Course Information page, you'll be able to:

  • Upload a thumbnail (no specific size requirement, keep a 16:9 aspect ratio)

  • Edit the title (Created as you created the course, but can be changed here)

  • Edit the description (Also generated as you initially created the course but can be modified here)

  • Drip Chapters (ability to release each chapter to students separately, over time. A chapter can be dripped per day, week, or month from when the student started the course)

  • Issue certificates (ability to assign each student a certificate upon completion of the course)

  • Enable comments (students will be able to post comments)

  • Automatically approve comments (Comments will be automatically approved. If this setting is disabled, you and co-admins will be asked to approve comments before they are visible to students)

  • Set course tags (if you have more than a handful of courses, consider adding a tag to act as a category, to help members navigate between your different courses)

Long description

Under Long description, you'll be able to enter a longer, detailed description of your course. In this description, you're not as limited as with the standard, short description.

The long description editor offers a block-style layout, where you can add a range of different content such as:

  • Spreadsheet tables

  • Links

  • Raw HTML

  • Images

And much more. The long description is displayed on the course page, under Overview.

Price & Availability

Some creators have tens of thousands of active subscribers who pay them a few dollars every month, whereas others are selling individual masterclass courses for thousands of dollars apiece. We’ve built Forento in a way so that you can decide how you want to get paid.

Under Price & Availability, you'll be able to select who gets access to your course, and how. The different options for pricing are:

If you publish your course as a free product, it'll be accessible to anyone who signs up with an account for your platform. If they're on your platform as a non-signed-in member, and click "Start Course", they'll be brought to the sign-up page.

If you publish your course as Paid you'll be asked to set a fixed price. Anyone with an account on your platform will be able to purchase the course for this price and access it forever. (Note that all prices are set to USD, but can be changed to any custom currency here if you've connected to a payment gateway)

Membership pricing allows you to charge members per month or year, meaning they'll have a subscription fee to pay if they'd like to keep access. If you select this option, you'll be asked to pick what membership tiers this course should be included in, if you've created any tiers yet, that is.

The fourth option is Paid & membership. This allows you to set both a fixed, one-off price as well as include it in any of your membership tiers.

Course testers

Course testers is a feature that allows you to give free access to all of your courses to selected platform members. You can assign course tester status to anyone who has signed up for your platform, and remove it at any time.

A course tester gains access to all of your published and unpublished courses, including those that are paid or membership only, meaning they won't be stopped by any paywall.

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