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Building a Gallery (Legacy)
Building a Gallery (Legacy)

How to create and edit a gallery, slideshow, or listicle

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Written by Copilot
Updated over a week ago

To build an gallery, select Gallery from the Create menu. Required fields: Hed, item (a gallery must have at least one item), promo image, channel, content source, seo title, seo description, social title

1. Enter the hed. Character count best practices: 90 characters max (breaks to 3 lines on desktop and 5 lines on mobile). For listicles with a video story image: 70 characters max (breaks to 3 lines on desktop and 4 lines on mobile).

2. Enter the dek.

3. Enter any intro copy in the body field. Use of this field varies by brand and design. **Quick note: On the body field—and all text fields on galleries—you will be using the markdown editor. The collaborative editor is only on articles. Click here for a complete guide to markdown and keyboard shortcuts.

4. Save the gallery! Copilot currently doesn’t have an autosave feature, so it’s important to save your work often. 

5. Add your items. You can add photos and GIFs as items in your gallery. Other content types like CNÉ videos, recipes, reviews, and more can also be added as items if your template has support for this. Use the asset finder to choose an item that you previously uploaded or created, or drag and drop images/GIFs from your desktop.

Once the items are added, you can sort by file name, or drag and drop the items to order them. If you need to add items to your listicle later on that you want to appear in the beginning of the list, select Beginning from the Beginning/End toggle before adding them.

Edit your items.

1. Add batch credit. If there is one credit for every image, you can click the Edit Batch Photo Credit button to add the same credit to every item.

2. Click on a slide. This opens up the carousel with all items. Click through to edit specific info on each item. Here's a run-down of every field on an item:

  • Slide title: Varies by design, but typically is styled above the caption, like a heading for the slide. 

  • Slide caption: This is the contextual caption for the slide. Enter or paste the copy that you want to appear with the item. If there is a global caption on the asset file, you can autofill it here (using the wand button).

  • Contributors photographer: Add a pre-published contributor here if you'd like to populate one into the credit field.

  • Credit: Enter the credit or autofill it (using the wand button) from the contributors photographer field.

  • Alt text: This is behind-the-scenes text that describes what the image is/looks like for screen readers to capture. It ensures that the content is compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Filling this out also helps with SEO.

  • Global caption: You can fill this out on the slide level if you've uploaded your assets directly to the gallery and you want a caption to save on the asset file.

**It is important to note that the contributor field and the photo credit field are married to the photo detail page, which means that any edits you make to these fields will live with the photo detail page too. Conversely, any updates you make on the photo detail page will reflect on your slides.**

3. Save your slides. When you're through editing your slides, save and navigate back to the gallery main page by clicking the breadcrumb in the upper left.


Add the promo fields, promo image, and story image.

1. Add the promo hed and dek. This isn't mandatory, but the promo hed and dek appears with the promo image in any promotional areas of the site, i.e. any curated spots on the homepage and channel pages, in search rivers, etc. It can be different than the article hed and dek if you'd like, or autofilled from the article hed and dek.

2. Optional: Change the promo image. The promo image will autofill with the image from the first item in the gallery. If you'd like to change it, you can delete it and add a different one via the asset finder or by uploading a new image from your desktop. The promo image is your thumbnail image—it shows up on all promotional areas of the site (homepage, channel, subchannel, etc.) with the promo hed and dek.

3. Add the story image. The story image asset will be the intro photo of the gallery, if this is in your design. If it isn't, you can skip this field.

4. Select web or magazine for the content source. For magazine pieces, you can specify the issue date.

5. Select the channel and subchannel for your piece. **If your brand uses categories, you will select the channel(s), subchannel(s), and tags further down using the category picker.**

6. Skip rubric. The rubric will typically pull in the channel name on the front-end. Check with your product manager if you are unsure.


Add contributors.

1. Start typing the contributor name. Choose a pre-published contributor to populate this field.

2. If the name doesn't appear, you need to create a new contributor. Contributors must be published in order to populate.


Add social and SEO copy.

  1. Add the social title and description. These will be pulled for your social media channels. You can autogenerate them from the hed and dek or add your own.

2. Add the optional social image. If none is selected, the promo image will be pulled.

3. Add the SEO title and description. This is what will appear in Google and other search engines. You can autofill them from the hed and dek or add your own.


Add taxonomy.

1. Start to type a tag. Previously created tags will appear in the dropdown when you start to type.

2. Select one or continue typing to create a new tag. You can also autogenerate tags (which will pull from the body content) by clicking the magic wand icon next to the tags field.

3. **If you are using categories to classify your content, you will be using the category picker to add channels, subchannels, and tags to your piece. The order matters here. Whichever is chosen first is the primary channel/subchannel, and will appear on the article page with the hed and dek. All other channels/subchannels chosen won't appear on the article but will control the other channels/subchannels that the story will appear in. For tags, you can add as many as you'd like.


Add related content.

1. Click on the magnifying glass and search the asset finder for related content. This module is not used by all brands, so check with your product manager if you are unsure.


Preview the gallery.

1. Save and then click the preview button to open the webpage preview in a new window.

2. View different layouts by selecting from the template dropdown. The page will reload with a preview of the template you've selected.


Publish the gallery. 

1. Click the publish button. This will open the publish modal.

2. Modify the date and time if you wish to schedule the piece, or leave it as is for current publish time.

3. Autogenerate the slug or create your own.

4. Choose a template from the dropdown (if you have the option for more than one). Most brands have default templates, which will be automatically selected with each publish.

5. You can deselect the 'include in search' option if you do not want your piece to show up on a river or in search. Use with caution, however, as this will also remove it from site maps, RSS feeds, and anything else powered by search.

6. Publish the piece. After you click publish in the publish modal, you'll see the status change from draft to scheduled or published in the top right corner of your piece.


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