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Markdown Guide (Legacy)
Markdown Guide (Legacy)

A complete list of commands used in Copilot's Markdown Editor

Vijay Krishna Mallik avatar
Written by Vijay Krishna Mallik
Updated over a week ago

Markdown Chart

In Copilot, users author content in a superset of Markdown, known as Copilot-flavored Markdown, rather than HTML. Copilot-flavored Markdown allows edit users to add semantic meaning to their content by specifying bold text, italics, links, lists content embeds, etc., but limits their ability to define how that content is displayed in a given brand application.

For example, a user can not say that bolded text should be green—instead the brand application’s templates decide how to color the text. This provides greater separation of concerns between edit and design, and allows content to span all display types—from desktop to iPad to iWatch to something we haven't even heard of yet.

So, here's a guide to Copilot-flavored Markdown.
(For a printable table of this guide, click here.)

Bold (Strong emphasis)

Two underscores or asterisks on either side of text. Using asterisks will also work within words.

  • __This sentence will be bold.__

  • **This sentence will be bold.**

  • The **first**-half will be bold.

Keyboard shortcut: Command B (Mac) // Ctrl B (Windows)

Note: There must not be leading/trailing spaces between the underscores (or asterisks) and the enclosed text (e.g. __text__ not __ text __`).

Italic (Emphasis)

One underscore or asterisk on either side of text. Using asterisks will also work within words.

  • _This sentence will be italic._

  • *This sentence will be italic.*

  • The *first*-half will be italic.

Keyboard shortcut: Command I // Ctrl I

Note: There must not be leading/trailing spaces between the underscores (or asterisks) and the enclosed text (e.g. _text_ not _ text _`).


Two tildes on either side of text.

~~This sentence will show a strikethrough


Keyboard shortcut: Command D // Ctrl D


One hash for each heading number (one hash for h1, six hashes for h6).

  • # This text will be h1.

  • ## This text will be h2.

  • ### This text will be h3.

  • #### This text will be h4.

  • ##### This text will be h5.

  • ###### This text will be h6.

Keyboard shortcut (H1): Command H // Ctrl HKeyboard shortcut (H2): Command HH // Ctrl HH

Wrap text in parentheses and link in brackets.

Keyboard shortcut: Command L // Ctrl L

Line Divider

Three asterisks in between two lines of text.

Text above the divider.
Text below the divider.

Keyboard shortcut: Command R // Ctrl R

Section Divider

Three "-=" above and below the text you want separated.

Normal paragraph text.
Broken out text.
More normal paragraph text.

Keyboard shortcut: Command = // Ctrl =

Block Quote

Greater than sign in front of quote.

> Put your quote here

Numbered List

Number followed by a period. Shift+Return for next number.

1. One fish
2. Two fish

Keyboard shortcut: Command O // Ctrl O for every item in the numbered list.

Note: There must be a space after the period for each bullet (e.g. 1. item not 1.item).


Surround the character with tildes, like this: H~2~O


Surround the character with carets, like this X^2^

Unordered List (Bullets)

Asterisk or hyphen in front of each list item.

* Red fish
* Blue fish

- Green fish
- Yellow fish

Keyboard shortcut: Command U // Ctrl U for every item in the unordered list.

Note: There must be a space after the asterisk (or hyphen) for each bullet (e.g. * item not *item).

New Line

Single break: space space enter
Double break: shift enter enter

Overriding Markdown

To override markdown code, place a backslash in front of the code symbol.

Example: I want to reference a Twitter hashtag without creating an h1 header.
Syntax: \#fashionweek

Example: I need to credit an Instagram handle with underscores in it without creating italic text. Syntax: @\_hey_there

Other Keyboard Shortcuts

Copilot Specific

Save: Command S // Ctrl S
Asset Finder: Command E // Ctrl E


Undo: Command Z // Ctrl Z
Refresh: Command R // Ctrl R
Copy: Command C // Ctrl C
Cut: Command X // Ctrl X
Paste: Command V // Ctrl V
New Window: Command N // Ctrl N

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