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Adding a Contributor

How to create a contributor (author, photographer, or other byline)

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Written by Copilot
Updated over a week ago

Contributors are authors, photographers, producers, and other bylines that can be assigned to the pieces of content on which they have worked. These bylines typically link out to a larger contributor page that includes a biography, social media handles, etc.

To create a contributor profile

Steps one and two are the only required steps!

  1. Click the Create menu, and select Contributor.

  2. Fill in the Name (between 3 and 50 characters) and all other content fields exposed for your brand.

  3. Upload or select an Avatar photo. Check your brand specifications for the correct size of the avatar.

  4. Assign any Social Media handles by choosing the Network from the dropdown menu and type the handle (no @ symbol), not the full URL into the Handle field.

  5. Publish or Save your contributor. Just keep in mind that contributors need to be published before they will appear in the Asset Finder.

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