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Search Tips and Tricks

Learn best practices for finding content in Copilot Search

Vijay Krishna Mallik avatar
Written by Vijay Krishna Mallik
Updated over a week ago

The Basics

  • Search for content by using Hed, or title, of the content.

  • When you know the exact name you're looking for, surround the text with quotations marks for more efficient searching.  Like this: "Road Tripping Through Northern Morocco"

  • Use the search filters to help narrow down your results. You can filter by content type, publish date, status, channel, subchannel.

  • To find syndicated or archived content, click on the "more" option in the search filters. 

  • If you're looking for content that a certain person worked on, search by collaborator.  Type the name of the person you are looking for, and if that person has hit save in a piece of content, it will appear in your results.

  • Depending on your query, you may see up to five "Quick Search" results display before you submit your query. Click on a quick search result to jump directly to that item.

Expert Tips & Tricks

Search for photos by exact filename
I want to find a photo that I know is called dogfish-head-brewery-delaware.jpg
Syntax: filename:”TK”Search for photos by filename keywords that match the order of the filename.
I can’t remember the exact filename but I know it had “brewery” and “Delaware” in it, in that order.
Syntax: filename:”TK”

Search for photos by filename keywords that do not match the order of the filename.
I want to search for filenames with “Delaware” and “brewery” in the name, in no particular order.
Syntax: filename:(TK)

Search for photos using two words with at least one term matching.
I want to search for photos with “Delaware” and/or “Maine” in the name.
Syntax: filename:(TK OR TK)

A few things to note about Quick Search

1) Quick Search queries against the Hed, Title, or Name field of the content only. 

2) Quick Search queries for an exact match. Please make sure your query is spelled correctly and matches the hed, title, or name of the content.

3) Quick Search only queries the full phrase. If you include a term that doesn't exist in the headline there won't be any results.

Search for Photos by Title
The same rules above apply to title field, which is helpful for those brands who change the title after upload. Replace “filename:” with “title:” and perform any of the above searches.


Search for content by tags.

If you're looking for one tag, the syntax is:


To narrow your search by querying multiple tags, use parentheses and quotes, like this:

To further narrow your search by querying an exact set of tags, add + in between the tags you're including:

You can use the OR function here too. Just keep the parentheses and quotes:

Search for content by URL or Copilot URL

You can locate content in Copilot by pasting the content's URL into the search bar.

For example:

You can also locate content with the URL of the Copilot page for that content:

Note: This feature will not work with "vanity URLs" (URLs that redirect to pages generated in Copilot, ex. homepages, branded content, or links that have appeared in print or other non-internet contexts).

Search by Content ID

If you know the precise content ID of the article, you can search for it using the "id:" syntax.

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