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How to Batch Upload Products

Upload several products at once using a spreadsheet and Copilot's CSV upload tool.

Vijay Krishna Mallik avatar
Written by Vijay Krishna Mallik
Updated over a week ago
  1. Create a Google Sheet for your Products

    In order to utilize the Copilot Batch Product Upload tool, you will need to create a Google Spreadsheet where all of your product information will live. This spreadsheet must follow very specific formatting to ensure Copilot can digest it. Find an example spreadsheet HERE. Feel free to make a copy to use as your own.

  2. Fill in your Product data

    Fill in the following information:

    1. NAME (required)


    3. RETAILER NAME (required)

    4. OFFER URL (required): Please make sure there are no returns or spaces before or after the URL string.

    5. OFFER TYPE (optional): can either be purchase or trial. The default value is purchase.

    6. PRICE: May contain numbers and a decimal, but no spaces or other symbols, including the $ sign. Like so: 1999.99. Note that the default currency is US dollar.

    7. CURRENCY: You may specify a currency. The default value is USD. Available values for currency: EUR, GBP, INR, JPY, MXN, RUB, TWD, USD.


    9. PROMO IMAGE URL: you need to upload that product image to Copilot as an image before importing your products.

    10. PUBLISH: value should be either true or false. If true, your product will automatically be published and available to insert into content. Note that publishing these products does not make it live on the site.

    11. FETCH: value should be either true or false. If true, Copilot will attempt to import product data for the product. This presently only works for products on Amazon.

      How to specify multiple offers per product

      You can upload up to two 5 offers per product. Note: You always need to provide one offer but offers 2-5 are optional.

      • Retailer Name 2, Offer URL 2, Price 2, Sale Price 2*, Currency 2*

      • Retailer Name 3, Offer URL 3, Price 3, Sale Price 3*, Currency 3*

      • Retailer Name 4, Offer URL 4, Price 4, Sale Price 4*, Currency 4*

      • Retailer Name 5, Offer URL 5, Price 5, Sale Price 5*, Currency 5*

      * optional

      You can find an example for multi-offer products here.

  3. Export your CSV

    In order to import this information into Copilot, your spreadsheet must be exported into CSV format. To do this in Google Sheets go to “File> Download as> Comma-separated values” in the menu.

  4. Upload CSV into Copilot

    To use this CSV to create products, navigate to the gear icon in your Copilot navigation bar and select Product CSV Upload. You will then be prompted to select a file from your computer and you should then select your CSV.

  5. Success!
    If your CSV uploaded correctly you will receive a success screen. You will also see the status of the publish based on your selection in that column on the CSV.

If your CSV contained errors you will receive a message detailing where the data went wrong:

Fix the shown error in the Google sheet, download a new CSV, and try again. If you continue to have issues, reach out to support via the Chat Bubble.

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