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Automatic Tag Suggestions

Learn more about tags that will be automatically suggested for your story.

Vijay Krishna Mallik avatar
Written by Vijay Krishna Mallik
Updated over a week ago

We're excited to tell you about our new feature: automatic tag suggestions! 

How are tags chosen?

We developed an algorithm that recommends tags, based on how tags have been used in previous articles. The content within the article’s hed, dek, and body are used to find similar articles. The algorithm will suggest tags that have been previously applied to articles with similar content to yours, choosing based on which tags it finds most relevant to your article. The algorithm will keep learning and improve over time: as new content is created and tagged, the model will learn and adapt to new usages of tags. 

Do I have to apply the tags that are being suggested? Should I keep adding tags manually?

They are completely optional! You can add suggested tags by clicking on them, or simply ignore those that you don’t want to include. We encourage you to continue adding more tags manually (start typing in a word) for anything that is not covered by the suggestions. 

Will the system suggest duplicate or similarly-named tags?

When two tags share the same name, but live under different parent categories, their organizational structure will be clearly identified in Copilot. For example, if there are two tags named Cars, but one had a parent of Transportation and the other had a parent of Racing, this will be noted as: 

Transportation > Cars

Racing > Cars

Then, you can choose which tag to add, based on which category is more relevant. Note: for most brands there are no parent tags so this may not affect you.

However, if tags are similar and live under the same parent—such as Obama, Barack Obama, and President Obama—it is possible that the algorithm will suggest one or more of these tags at the same time. However, the algorithm recommends a given tag depending on how often it's used. If Obama was tagged in only two articles, but Barack Obama was tagged in 1000 articles, it would be unlikely for the Obama tag to be suggested for your article.

If a tag is disabled in the Tag Manager, will it be excluded from the list of suggested tags?

Yes, it will be excluded from tag suggestions.

Why didn’t I receive any tag suggestions?

If your article already has several tags applied, there may not be any more to suggest. Tags won’t be suggested if they've already been applied to your article.

In less common situations, you may not receive tag suggestions if your article is very different from content typically circulated by your brand. For example, an article about building gaming PCs may not receive tag suggestions on Vogue. Because Vogue publishes very few articles about building computers, the algorithm doesn’t have much content to learn from. Additionally, Vogue may not have an extensive tag vocabulary to describe computer-related content. Even with a full understanding of the article, there may not be any relevant tags to suggest to you.

Furthermore, tags may not be suggested for shorter articles sometimes, if there isn't enough content to make a relevant recommendation.

Why aren't there tag suggestions on my recipe, fashion show, review, etc.?

We are rolling out tag suggestions to Articles first. With your feedback, we’ll begin rolling this feature out to other content types as well, based on usage (galleries are probably next).

Why did my tag suggestions change?

If you change the text in your article, you should expect to see different suggestions. Even small changes in content can affect which tags the algorithm suggests.

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