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Copilot Chrome Extension

How to find content in the back-end from the front-end live site

Vijay Krishna Mallik avatar
Written by Vijay Krishna Mallik
Updated over a week ago

Download our Chrome browser extension here

This is a great resource for all Copilot users as it is an extremely quick way to enter Copilot from our sites. Besides seamless back-and-forth from our site to the back-end, this may come in handy if you spot a spelling mistake in an article or want to push a timely update on a story without having to search for it within Copilot. We will take you right there!

We are excited to share that our new version will work consistently for all Conde Nast brands that are on Copilot! 

What does the Copilot Chrome Extension do exactly?
The Copilot Chrome Extension is a simple way for users to seamlessly enter a relevant Copilot page directly from any Copilot supported Conde Nast front-end page. With just a click of a button, you will be taken directly to that page's corresponding Copilot page where you can then make any needed updates or tweaks.

How do I get the Copilot Chrome Extension?

  1. To download the Chrome extension, click the URL below to go to the Chrome Store:

  2. Select “Add To Chrome” and “Add Extension”.

  3. You will then see the below icon in your Chrome menu bar!

  4. *Note* that if you already have the Chrome Extension installed, it should automatically be updated to the newest version.

How do I use the Copilot Chrome Extension?
Once downloaded, you will see the Copilot logo (picture above) within your Chrome menu bar. If you are on a Conde Nast site that Copilot supports, the logo should become colorful. 

  • If the logo is not lit up (meaning it is black and white) then the site you're on is not supported by the Chrome Extension. If you are on a Conde Nast website and the logo is not lit up, please report this to Copilot support.

  • You are then able to click the button and should be taken to Copilot. 

Your Copilot destination depends on the page you're on on the front-end.


  • If you're on an article or gallery, you should be taken directly to that article or gallery’s Copilot page. 

  • If you're on a homepage or channel page, you should be taken to the proper bundle, however for now, this depends on a few things. At the very least you should be taken to the Copilot search page where you can search for what you’re looking for.

What are some known issues?

There are a few known issues with this Chrome Extension that our team is actively working on. They include:

  • Anyone trying to use the Copilot Chrome Extension on market-based homepages or category pages will not be taken directly to the exact Copilot page. They should be taken to the Copilot search page where a user should be able to search for the page they are looking for. 

  • There are a few US homepages and channel pages that this extension may not work for. This is based on where these homespages live in Copilot, but we are actively working on resolving this.

  • The Chrome Extension does not currently work on Preview URLs

  • The Chrome Extension does not currently work in the Staging environment of Copilot

  • The Chrome Extension does not work with some unique content types such as hotels and recipes. 

What do I do if I run into a problem or the Chrome Extension isn't working for my page?
Please alert us by filing a Copilot bug report if you run into an issue that is not on the known issues list and we will be sure to look into it.

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