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Using the Navigation Bar for Copilot
Using the Navigation Bar for Copilot
Vijay Krishna Mallik avatar
Written by Vijay Krishna Mallik
Updated over a week ago

Why we did this:

We've given Copilot’s navigation a much needed facelift. Our primary goals were to:

  1. Add the ability to initiate a search from anywhere in Copilot

  2. Make frequently used items easy to find

  3. Emphasize our brands

  4. Clearly organize items


The new navigation is designed to offer quick access to important actions, plus more intuitive settings and resources in a compact top bar. Below is a detailed list of where you can find everything:


The most valuable part of Copilot’s new navigation is the new search functionalities!

  • Search from anywhere

  • Easily find your recent searches

  • Quickly filter by content type

  • Navigate to usual advanced search page


We have added an easy way to access other Condé Nast applications. Go to Montrose to access archival content or Encore to syndicate content.


If you have access to more than one brand in Copilot, you'll find the dropdown of your options here. If you click on the brand logo itself, you'll be directed back to your personal dashboard.


In the new CREATE dropdown, you'll find the same variety of content types that you previously had access to in the left-hand panel. Simply select the content type you'd like to create and you'll be redirected to your usual empty form.


The gear icon will take you to a variety of settings pages such as Templates, My Team and Brand Settings. If your team uses a batch product upload, you'll also find that here.


The question mark icon is where to go for after hours support, Copilot help pages, or to sign up for a Copilot training session.


This is where you are able to make edits to your Copilot account information, such as updating your name or primary language. This is also where you can log out.

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