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How To: Editable Tag Pages

For Brand PMs and SEO and Audience Development Owners in Application Platform

Eman El Saied avatar
Written by Eman El Saied
Updated over a week ago

Editing an existing editable tag page, ie, adding a dek

  1. Go to your brand’s Copilot. Filter Tag Page and search for the tag word you want to edit.

  2. Select the tag page you want to edit from the results

  3. Publish your edits just like any content type.

  4. If you have to edit a URL, please consult SEO and/or Aud Dev before you do so.

Creating a new editable tag page when a tag already exists in the taxonomy

If the tag word already exists but there is no associated editable tag page, do it manually:

  1. Create a new tag page and associate it with your new tag word or phrase

    1. Click Create

    2. Select Tag Page

    3. NAME, required field - Type your tag word or phrase; it does not have to be unique

    4. DESCRIPTION, optional field - Type the tag's description or dek

    5. TAG AUTO SUGGEST, single, and required field - Start typing and select the tag word from the auto-suggest taxonomy

      1. If you are creating a video-related tag page, note that the root should be one of these 3: CNE Video Category, CNE Video Series or CNE Video Tags

    6. STORY IMAGE, optional - As of 2023, this will only be used by the food brands


      1. Article and Gallery will be pre-selected by default for most brands; it is a required field

      2. Select or remove content types as you see fit

      3. CNE Video will be selected by default for tags that are in the CNE Video root

    8. SEO TITLE, optional field

    9. SEO DESCRIPTION, optional field

    10. PUBLISH URL, required field and it must be unique

      1. Use the magic wand to follow the brand’s URL hierarchy for its taxonomy

    11. Click Save and Publish

Adding a new tag word in the taxonomy

Brand PMs and BRMs: Any NEW tag that needs to be created for the brand needs to be communicated to the SEO and Aud Dev owners. A check with the Taxonomy team is helpful. As of 2023, Adrian De Luca and Johnny Snellgrove are your contacts.) Once approved, it MUST be associated with a new content type in order for it to exist as a page and not 404 from any tag cloud or links.

  1. Add and create the new tag word or phrase in the brand’s taxonomy

    1. Click gear icon from the right top nav menu

    2. Select Tag Manager

    3. Select the appropriate root; most likely Tags or CNE Video if you are in the Video team

    4. Select the appropriate hierarchy

    5. Click Create Taxonomy

    6. Type your new tag word or phrase and its appropriate slug; click Create Taxonomyto save

  2. Associate your newly created tag word or phrase with a content type and follow the steps in associating a tag with a tag page

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