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Content Settings
Written by Michel Velasco
Updated over 10 months ago

The fields available to you in the content settings section are as follows and have the following meaning:

  1. Content Name*: This is the name as it appears in Content Planner, it should be short and concise (it does not apply to publishing systems)

  2. Brand and Market*: This is a mandatory field that is pre-populated based on the single brand and market selections in the header

  3. Network: This is the intended reach of the content, where the Editor intends the content to be re-used and re-distributed given contractual understanding

  4. Editor(s)*: This is a multi select field where one or more Editors can be assigned to work on the content

  5. Visuals Editor(s): This is a multi select field where one or more Visuals Editors can be assigned to work on the content

  6. Workday Owner*: This is the person accountable for the finance of the content and is used in Workday as a point of contact for all finance tasks

  7. Description: This is an opportunity to add a short description that will help other users understand what the content is about and add some keywords that will aid in others discovering the content when searching

  8. Notes: This is a field for adding additional working notes to the content for other people working on this content in Content Planner

  9. Add Link Button: This allows you to add one or many links to the content record (this could be anything from Slack Channel links to reference links)

Print Medium

The following fields are available to you under the Medium > Print radio button selection:

  1. Plan*: The plan that this content belongs to (chose from a predefined list of editions set up by the plan admin)

  2. Publish Date*: For print plans this is auto populated based on the plan chosen (each print plan has a publish date associated with it that will appear here)

  3. Category: This is the primary category that the content falls into (useful to set for find-ability in the discovery page filters)

  4. Subcategory: This is the secondary category that the content falls into (useful to set for find-ability in the discovery page filters)

  5. Section: The section of the magazine that this content will appear in (a list of predefined options will be available for example: Cover, Front of Book, Center of Book, Back of Book & Supplement

  6. Pages: The number of pages content will occupy (not the pagination of the issue)

  7. Sign Off: A field for adding who has signed off on the content (this could be a head of content or someone who gives approval for content readiness)

  8. Copy/Sub Editor: Additional people look ups for Copy/Sub Editor if needed

  9. Researcher: Additional people look ups for Researcher if needed

  10. Commercial Pages: If you tick this checkbox the ‘Pages’ value (number) will be excluded from the overall page totals in the plan that this content is assigned to

Digital Medium

The following fields are available to you under the Medium > Digital radio button selection:

  1. Plan*: The plan that this content belongs to (chose from a predefined list of editions set up by users with permissions to create digital plans)

  2. Publish Date*: For digital content there is a date picker allowing the user to set a publish date

  3. Category: This is the primary category that the content falls into (useful to set for find-ability in the discovery page filters)

  4. Subcategory: This is the secondary category that the content falls into (useful to set for find-ability in the discovery page filters)

  5. Section: The section of the site that this content will appear in

  6. Sign Off: A field for adding who has signed off on the content (this could be a head of content or someone who gives approval for content readiness)

  7. Title: This is specifically the heading that will be used if the content is sent to the Copilot CMS. This is mandatory when you are sending to Copilot, and a prompt will ask for a Copilot Title to be entered before being able to send.

  8. Dek: This is specifically the subheading that will be used if the content is sent to the Copilot CMS. It populates the Introduction field in Copilot.

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