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Adding Contributors
Written by James Finch
Updated over a week ago

Once you have saved a content record by filling out the ‘Content Settings’ section the ‘Contributors’ section will become enabled allowing you to add either a ‘Commissioned’ component or a ‘Non-Commissioned’ component.

We will start by looking at adding a ‘Commissioned’ component. When we refer to a ‘Commissioned’ component, we mean an external contributor and providers (for example, writers, photographers, make-up artists and hair stylists) whereas a ‘Non-Commissioned’ component refers to (usually) internal staff who are responsible for sourcing images and are known in Content Planner as Visuals Researchers.

To add a ‘Commissioned’ component click the blue ‘Add Commissioned’ button in the ‘Contributors’ section.

This will switch the section to the form where you can fill out the details of the commissioned contributor. The first select box prompts you to choose the type of contributor (at time of writing the two options are Manuscript or Photoshoot but this will include Film and Art in the future). Once you have selected a type the form will expand to reveal specific form fields for the type you have chosen.

We’ll focus on adding a 'Manuscript' contributor first.

You can add a Deliverables Due date from the date-picker field to define a deadline for when you need the assets received by from the contributor.

Then you use the Contributor Name search field to search for a contributor in the Condé Nast contributor database. Results will start appearing if there is a match after 3 characters have been entered.

If you fail to find a contributor that matches your criteria you can choose to create a new record by clicking the ‘Create New Contributor’ button to he right of the Contributor Name field.

This will trigger the ‘Create New Contributor’ modal where you can choose to create a Person, Company or Agency. For the type Person you type the first name, last name and email address. Then you select a role from the available professions select box and choose whether this is an internal member of staff, the default is external unless you set otherwise.

If you attempt to create a new contributor and the details fully match an existing record in the database you will see a red warning notification prompting you to close the modal and choose the contributor from the ‘Contributor Name’ search field. This validation behaviour is the same for all types, Person, Company and Agency.

If you attempt to create a new contributor and they partially match an existing record in the database you will see an yellow alert notification prompting you to choose one of the records that partially match or to review the partial matches and make the decision to not select one and continue creating a new contributor record in the database. If you proceed to create a new contributor then this new record will be available immediately to select from the ‘Contributor Name’ search field.

If you see a partial match that is the record that you want to use then you can select it with the checkbox on the contributor record and the blue button will change to ‘Use Selected’, when you click this it will close the modal and pre-populate the contributor form with your selection.

For contributor type manuscripts, after you have selected your contributor you can proceed to add the number of words desired for the manuscript, when the work start date is (date the contributor will be briefed), any notes you might want to pass on the contributor regarding the brief. If the manuscript gets returned in a google doc or drive file or any other hosted file you should add this to the ‘Add Link’ section so that the manuscript gets sent to downstream systems in later steps. There is also the ability to add providers but we will touch on that in the Photoshoot example coming up next.

Once you are happy with the details you have entered you can save the contributor and the form will close and the contributor record will appear in read only mode in a contributor row.

For type photoshoots you follow a similar process of filling out the fields which relate to the photoshoot. So number of images desired, the category of the shoot, shoot dates (when the shoot will be happening), shoot locations (this is a google maps address look up and you can add multiple locations if needed), any notes you might want to pass on to the contributor, the ability to add a link to reference material or if the contributor needs to supply the assets via any third-party hosted server (in most cases they will upload the assets via Condé Nast’s Intake Portal which we will cover later). Once you are happy with the details you have entered you can save the contributor and the form will close and the contributor record will appear in read only mode in a contributor row.

Important: When you create a contributor type photoshoot and save the record, you will then be able to navigate to Intake Portal by clicking the ‘View Packages’ button. From Intake Portal you can trigger an email to the contributor requesting that they upload draft/lo-res/hi-res assets using the provided link in the email. This is a link to Condé Nast’s Intake Portal where the contributor can upload one or many assets and the Editors will be notified when this has been completed so that they can review and order the final assets.

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