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Killing Contributors
Written by Michel Velasco
Updated over 11 months ago

If you have assigned a contributor and providers to your content, but the work they were required to do is no longer needed (for example a photoshoot they started is no longer required) then you can mark the contributor row as ‘Killed’. To do this click the ‘3 vertical dots’ menu icon (officially know as a vertical kebab menu) to the right of the contributor row that you want to kill. This will trigger a popover menu with an option to kill the contributor.

When you click this option a confirmation modal will appear asking you to confirm your decision to kill the contributor or cancel, this action is irreversible.

After confirming to kill a contributor the modal will close and the contributor row will now display a red ‘Killed’ status pill on the right hand side. You will no longer be able to edit or change any details associated with the killed contributor.

It is important to note that if a contributor has already commenced work that is chargeable or already incurred any costs in relation to the assignment then the details of this will remain in the ‘Finance Section’ (more on this later) even if the contributor has been marked as killed. This is to ensure the visibility of costs involved at every stage even if work has been aborted half way through.

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