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Inline Editing in Plan View
Written by Michel Velasco
Updated over 10 months ago

Once you have added new content to a plan or assigned existing content to a plan you can edit visible fields in the plan directly (this is referred to as inline editing), meaning you can quickly add useful information against your content that will aid your planning process. You can always trigger the edit content fly-out or view the content page to view the content in its entirety to view and access all data and fields available.

Print Plans and Content

For an empty story in a print plan (mandatory fields filled only) you will see this in your plan as below.

From here you can add the number of pages (page count) the content will occupy in the publication. This is a numerical input field and only accepts numbers and decimal numbers.

Once you have added a page count this will also appear in your running total in the footer of the table. If a content record is marked as ‘Commercial Pages’ in the ‘Content Settings’ section the page value will not be added to the totals.

The next field you can edit inline is ‘Section’ this is a pre-defined selection of options for the publication section you want the content to be in (for example, Cover, Front of Book, Center of Book, Back of Book and Supplement).

When you have added a ‘Section’ and ‘Pages’ (page count) to your content the totals in the footer will reflect the page count relating to the section you have defined and this will accumulate the more content you add to the plan.

Note: The next 3 fields will be disabled until you add a writer and creative contributor to the content. Words and Words Due relate to a writer and one being assigned to the content. Shoot Dates related to a creative (photographer) being assigned to the content.

Adding Writers Inline

To add a writer to your content directly from plan view click the ‘Plus’ icon in the ‘Writer’ column.

This triggers the contributor search dropdown, where you can start typing to search for a contributor/writer. Once you have found the contributor you need you can select them and they will be added to your content. For any person assigned to your content you can hover over the initials to see a tooltip that displays the full name or names if more that one person is assigned.

You will also see that Words and Words Due are now enabled for you to add the details. To enter the number of words needed for this content click the Words field, this is a numerical input field and only accepts numbers and decimal numbers.

To enter the Words Due date click the date-picker field in that column and a date picker will be triggered for you to pick a single date that defines when you need the words delivered from the contributor by.

Adding Creatives Inline

To add a creative (photographer, artist, videographer, illustrator) to your content directly from plan view click the ‘Plus’ icon in the ‘Creative’ column.

This triggers the contributor search dropdown, where you can start typing to search for a contributor/creative. Once you have found the contributor you need you can select them and they will be added to your content.

You will also see that the Shoot Dates field is now enabled for you to add in. To enter the Shoot Dates click the date-picker field in that column and a date picker will be triggered for you to pick a date-range that defines when the shoot will take place.

You can add one or many contributors, if you define more than one contributor the initials on the content will be from the first contributor defined and the fields Words, Words Due and Shoot Dates will relate to the first contributor defined. To see the details of all contributors you can open the content fly-out or view the content page.

To add a visual editor to your content directly from plan view click the ‘Plus’ icon in the ‘Vis Ed’ column which is short for Visual Editor.

This triggers the people search dropdown, where you can start typing to search for a visual editor. Once you have found the person you need you can select them and they will be added to your content.

The next field you can add is the ‘Notes’ field, this is a free text field where you can add any details you would like to the content, for example this could be notes for any other internal staff working on the content in Content Planner or additional To Do’s for the content.

The final field you can edit is the sign-off field, this again is a free text field allowing you to input who signed off on the topic and content.

The status column is a manual selection for the progress of your content. You can edit this from the content row in plans or from the Content Settings section in the fly-out or content page. Just click on the status and it will present a dropdown with statuses you can select. These statuses will be specific to your brand, market and medium requirements.

For Print for example you will have the following statuses.

For Digital for example you will have the following statuses.

Active: This is the default status for your content when it is created.
Manually Applied Statuses: These will be whatever you choose from the dropdown during the lifecycle of your content, the options will be based on what statuses are configured for your brand, market and medium.
Killed: This means work has ceased on the content and that it is no longer required for use. Once a piece of content is marked as Killed the content is locked so no further updates can be made.

Digital Plans and Content

For an empty story in a digital plan (mandatory fields filled only) you will see this in your plan as below.

The default fields for digital content in digital plans is largely the same as print content in print plans. The differences are as follows: Digital content does not display ‘Pages’ or ‘Shoot Dates’ columns, but it has the addition of ‘Publish Date’ and there is a ‘Category’ column for digital content rather than publication section. The ‘Publish Date’ field is a date-picker field and allows a single date selection.

It is worth reminding you here that at any point you can trigger the content fly-out by clicking the ‘View’ button to the right of the content rows or visit the content page to edit all details of any piece of content using the full forms by clicking the ‘Content Name’ link on the left of the content row.

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