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Monthly Budgets
Written by James Finch
Updated over a week ago

To access and edit monthly budgets click the ‘Monthly Budgets’ tab at the top of the finance page.

From this tab you can can define your monthly budgets and plan budgets for all medium allocations. Once you have selected a brand and market, a list of your reporting months will appear below broken down by medium. Within each medium you can see your months and expand them to see what print editions or campaigns are contained in them. You can edit the budgets associated with the editions and campaigns and at the top level each month.

If the sum of the editions and campaigns budgets within a month are either above or below the budget for the month then the value for the month will either show in green or red depending on if the sum is over or under.

The below example shows where the editions (total) budgets exceed the months budget and means that adjustments can be made if necessary.

On each medium allocation there is a footer in the table showing the totals of the budgets meaning that the overall budget can be monitored and compared to the yearly budget set and visible at the top of the table.

If you want to view the plan in more detail and what content is in the plan you can click the blue ‘Plan Name’ link on the left of each row.

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