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Week View
Written by James Finch
Updated over a week ago

To view all content scheduled to publish in a particular week or on a particular day you can access the calendar page by clicking the calendar icon in the top right of the header.

You will be taken to the week view by default where you can see the content publishing that week grouped by day. All inline editing capabilities of the content records are still available to you and you can still trigger the content fly-out to edit any further details that are not present on the content rows. A common edit made here is the publish date to move content from one day/week to another. Once you have made a change to a publish date the list week view will reload and reflect your changes.

To change the week you are viewing you can navigate back and forward using the navigation arrows either side of the week date, or you can click the week date to open the week picker where you can select the week of your choice.

You can change the settings by clicking the settings icon at the top right of the calendar content list. Here you can choose to view either digital or print content and also switch between day and week view. You can also choose to toggle the visibility of content that has the status of 'Published' if you only want to see content that is yet to be published.

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