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Requesting New Work Orders
Written by Michel Velasco
Updated over 10 months ago

When assigning a contract to a contributor, the most common scenario will be to select an available 'Contract' and request a new 'Work Order' for the Contributor by clicking the 'Request New Work Order' button related to that 'Contract'.

Here you will need to assign a Condé Nast signatory(internal) and a contributor (external signatory). The 'External Signatory' field will be pre-filled based on the contributor selected (this can be changed if someone needs to sign on behalf of said contributor). You can specify any fees or pre-approved expenses associated with the work order here.

If an 'Internal Signatory'/Condé Nast staff member is not set up as a signatory in Rightsline you will see an 'Add as Signatory' button in the dropdown when you search for someone. If you click this it will automatically add the user as an available signatory to use immediately.

Once you have filled out the mandatory fields and clicked 'Request New Work Order' the request is submitted (a work order template will be pre-filled with the Content Name, Counter Signatory, Fees and any Expenses, and sent to the contributor and Signatory to sign using ‘Docusign’) and a success notification will appear. You will also see a new 'Work Order' record appear under the contract stating 'Awaiting Signatures', and just below it you will see the date the new Work Order was requested.

Any existing Work Orders will be visible by expanding the 'Existing Work Orders' accordion. This will show any Work Orders that are on record for the contributor under that Contract. If an existing Work Order meets the criteria for your new content it will have a radio button for you to select it.

Once you are happy with your Contract and Work Order selection you must click the 'Save' button to the bottom right of this section.

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