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Filtered Search

Use the filter panel to refine your searches with precision. Quickly narrow down results and find exactly what you need,

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Written by Hello
Updated over a week ago

The filter panel is a powerful search tool that allows you to refine your searches with precision. With the ability to filter by text, credit, or similarity; you can quickly narrow down results and find exactly what you need. This tool can save you time and help you find information more efficiently. Additionally, the filter panel offers specific filters for film searches, such as color, aspect ratio, saturation, contrast, temperature, frame size, interior/exterior, time of day, number of people, age, gender, and safe search.

Film specific filters:

  • Text

  • Similar

  • Color

  • Aspect Ratio

  • Saturation

  • Contrast

  • Temperature

  • Frame Size

  • Interior / Exterior

  • Time of Day

  • Number of People

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Safe Search

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