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Creating a Teen Account

This article will teach you how to utilize teen accounts as well as how to create them.

Erik avatar
Written by Erik
Updated over a week ago

Amazon Teen Account

An Amazon Teen account allows you to create a sub-account for your teens under your main Amazon account. It is a great way to get additional Amazon prime accounts, at no additional cost assuming you have a prime subscription.

How to Create an Amazon Teen Account

To create an Amazon Teen account, follow the simple steps in this video guide:

Once the account is created, you will treat it as a completely separate Amazon account, with its own email, password, and 2FA secret.

Benefits of an Amazon Teen Account

  • Free to Create: Setting up an Amazon Teen account is completely free. It is included completely free with your main account's Prime subscription.

  • Prime Benefits: Amazon Teen accounts come with the added advantage of Prime benefits. This means teens can enjoy fast, free shipping, access to Prime Video, Prime Music, and other exclusive deals, just like their parents main account.

  • Order Approval / Limits: Parents can set approval limits for their teen’s purchases. This feature ensures that any order above a certain amount requires parental approval, allowing you to run for discounts on FreebieFlow and having your adult approve the orders.

In Conclusion

An Amazon Teen account is a great way for you to get additional accounts to use with FreebieFlow, and pair greatly when running for discounted deals.

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