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Toutes les collectionsÊtes-vous un éditeur ? for novice publishers! for novice publishers!
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Écrit par Julien
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When you received an order from the customer, you have to evaluate it. (Evaluer la commande)

3 different possibilities :

  • you can accept (Accepter la commande)

Please make sure condition, url... are good for you. If you can't respect the order, we have to cancel it.

  • you can refuse (Refuser)

  • you can ask to modify (Retravailler le brief) one part of brief : anchor, url... (The customer can accept or refuse)

Or if you need more information you can contact him. (Contacter l'annonceur)

When the order has been accepted, you have to write the article and put it on our system

Click on:

And fill the formular:

Titre: Title

Introduction: Introduction

Corps de l'article: Content

You have to respect the number of words ask by the customer and add your link inside your text. The link and the anchor have to be perfect. Then Validate.

An email will be sent automaticly to the customer so you don't need to send an email to the customer.

The customer can approved or ask to modify the content.

If he approved the text, you just have to publish your content and add the link directly to the plateform. You don't need to send an email to the customer.

Click on:

If he asked a modification, we have to change directly to our system and validate it.

Click on: (Voir)


Then you have to wait is approval or modification until he accepts.

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