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How to manage your Transactions?

This page has everything you need to know about how transactions work and how to manage them effectively.

Updated over 6 months ago

1. How I can view transactions with a specific date range?

In the Transactions screen, you will find a search function at the top of the screen (under the Accounts / Transactions / Net Worth) menu Step 1: Tap on the Filter drop-down on the right of the search box & select the Date Range optionStep 2: Select a start date and end date to narrow down the transactions Step 3: To clear the selection, tap on the x icon next the filter name

2. How do I change the category for a transaction?

Step 1: In the transaction details screen, tap on the category field.
Step 2: Select a category from the list and tap Next
Step 3: Select if you would like to apply the change to only this transaction or all similar transactions
Step 4: Confirm

Note: If you recategorise a pending transaction, the change may be lost when the transaction is posted.

3. How do I filter my transactions?

In the Transactions screen, you will find a search function at the top of the screen (under the Accounts / Transactions / Net Worth) menu

Step 1: Tap on the Filter drop-down on the right of the search box. A list of filters will appear underneath the search box. These filter options are: Account, Date Range, Amount, Category, Merchant & Tag
Step 2: Select one of the filter to narrow down your transactions.
Step 3: To clear the filter, tap on the x icon next the filter name

4. How do I delete transactions?

Currently, you can’t delete transactions that are linked from the banks using Open Banking.

5. How can I hide a duplicate transaction?

Currently, we don’t offer this feature in the app. If you believe that your Open Banking transactions are duplicates, please contact your banks directly to raise the issue.

6. How can I add a manual transaction?

This feature is currently accessible in our iOS app only. To input cash transactions, navigate to the transaction list screen and tap the + button located at the top right corner of the screen.

Give this page a 😃 if you would like this feature in the Android version.

7. How do I split transactions?

This feature is not yet available in the app. Please check back for updates on when this feature will be available in the app.

8. What if my transactions are missing?

If you are using Open Banking (CDR) to link your account, we’d suggest contacting your bank first to raise the issue. You can always raise a support ticket with us simultaneously and we can work with your bank to resolve the issue.

9. Why do I see “Balance Adjustment” transactions? I didn’t create them.

Balance adjustment transactions are system-generated transactions when you create a manual asset or liability. These transactions are created in order to update the account balance. They are automatically excluded from your tracking and are not included in the expenses graphs and so on.

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