Whether you're setting up your payday for the first time or changing due to starting new employment the new PayDay menu allows you to easily manage these details. It is important to set your payday cycle to activate your budget period.
Here are a few tips to help you resolve your issue:
1. Fixing your payday issues
Step 1: Scroll down through your Dashboard insights to Payday
Step 2: Select edit
Step 3: When is PayDay - Select your pay cycle and a start date to activate the payday countdown widget on your dashboard.
Weekly: Select a future date to match your pay cycle
Fortnightly: Select a future date to match your pay cycle
Monthly: Select a future date to match your pay cycle
Every 4 weeks: Select a future date to match your pay cycle
Other: Irregular PayDay
Other - Irregular Paydays
If you don't get paid on a regular basis you can still use all the features we just can't notify you when your Payday is coming up.
Select 'Hide Payday widget'
Step 4: Select 'Confirm'
2. How can I add a second Payday
At present, the app only facilitates a single payday. However, we aspire to enable support for multiple paydays in due course.
You can add multiple incomes and track those via a category or tag, however, this will not show up as income in your graphs.