All about your sharing preferences
We released a new menu feature that helps you manage how you share data with us. In this menu, you can select multiple providers to gain an overall view of your finances and select which accounts inside the bank providers you want to track.
Data we are receiving
We leverage your shared data to support you with your savings goals. We use the data from transaction details to provide you with insights into where your money goes. This data supports our Bill management, transaction categorisation, and expense tracking features which inform you of where your money is going.
Steps for data sharing consent:
1. Go to Accounts
Select + in the top right-hand corner of the screen
2. Link a financial account
Select ‘See more banks’ to find Yodlee-linked accounts
3. Link through Yodlee bank-grade security > Search for your provider and select to connect
Confirm your ' Consent Period' - grant access to your account for a specified term
Read and select the data type you want to share
Consent Confirmation' - read through everything you've selected to acknowledge and press 'I consent'
Follow the steps in linking your account :)
Contact your Data Holder (Bank) directly to confirm when your account type will be made available via CDR (Open Banking) as this aggregation type is being phased out in 2023.