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Equipment in Work Orders
Updated over 11 months ago

Equipment in Web App

When you create a work order in the administrator environment and want to add suggested jobs or materials that the application user would see them in the App, you can select if this job or material will be used for specific equipment in that object.

Create a work order and open its jobs or materials tab. Click on “+Add job” or “+Add material” button and fill in required information. Do not forget to select an equipment from the object’s equipment dropdown list if needed. Multiple equipment can be selected for standard jobs.

Equipment action will fill automatically from standard job if it has a value added in its card. This field will be inactive and action can be changed only in the standard job form.

When suggested job/material is saved, you will see it in the list together with other suggested jobs/materials. Equipment column will show the equipment that was selected. The symbol of dash indicates that equipment for the particular job was not selected.

Equipment is also eligible for scanning if you use Customer portal. The customer can scan the serial number or equipment code using scan button in the Customer application. Read more:

Administrator can easily review equipment history. Right click on equipment and select detailed view option. Equipment history view displays all the information related to equipment changes. Object field is clickable and always displays serial number next to its title if the data is entered in the object card.

Next tab named “Work orders history” helps to manage work orders where any actions with equipment were made. User is able to click on active link to the work order and review it as well as to check information like title, customer, object, work order type and status from the table.

Work order end time added to see when the particular work order was completed. If status is not completed yet, it will be empty.

If you would like to see equipment information in the PDF act, do not forget to check PDF/HTML report layout settings here.

Equipment in App

How does application user see equipment and how it could be managed in the mobile device? What actions can be performed? You will get all answers if you read the guidelines below.

App user will be able to see equipment in a separate menu as well as inside the work order in separate "Equipment" tab.

If you click on existing equipment, you will be able to edit it. Information tab consists of equipment details such as its name, object, model etc. List of files shows files that are attached to the equipment. The user is able to add more files by clicking green button “+Add”. Action histories is to show what action has been performed to the equipment.

If application user would like to create new equipment, he needs to click plus symbol on the right lower corner. Enter the title, select the model and the object. User could also add serial number and choose the dates for installation, warranty expiration, next maintenance. Remarks could be used for additional information. If some files need to be attached, click next tab “List of files”, select some files from your mobile device and add them. When all information is completed, click tick symbol on the right lower corner. Saved equipment will appear in the list.

Note: If equipment has custom fields created in desktop environment, they all will be visible in equipment review/edit/create window.

If App user has a work order where administrator has already added some suggested jobs and materials for equipment, App user will see that. When app user is adding jobs or materials by himself, he will be able to select the equipment from the list that is assigned to this object.

Work orders includes equipment tab where a technician could see equipment list attached to the object and perform different actions. The user can also see the location and warranty expiration date. This lets a technician to know the most important information without clicking on equipment and opening it. Click on equipment tab and you will see the list of equipment of this object.

If you click on three dots on the right for each equipment, you will be able to see possible actions that includes assign, remove, add work and add material.

For add work or add material actions, user will be redirected to jobs or materials tab. Window for adding job or material will be open with equipment automatically assigned. When job/material will be saved, user will be redirected to equipment tab again.

Assign action requires to leave a comment. When comment is added, “Confirm” option becomes available.

Click “Confirm”. New window for object selection appears. Select the object you would like to assign an equipment. If action was saved successfully you will be able to see equipment in the list but with different object attached. Objects are marked in green color.

For removal action you will also need to fill the comment that “Confirm” option will be active. When comment is written, click “Confirm”. Object selection window will appear and display you the warehouses where equipment can be returned. There might be one or more warehouses depended on how many of them are added in the desktop environment.

Let’s not forget that user can also install the equipment from the warehouses.

For installation click green button “+Install to object”. You will be able to see all equipment that is in the warehouse and select the one you are going to install. If you can not find it in the warehouse, you can create the new by clicking on plus sign. When action is completed, newly installed equipment will be visible in the list.

All the actions that were made are visible near the equipment together with the action date. Serial number and equipment model information is also displayed.

If an app user made a mistake when installing/assigning/removing the equipment, he can reverse the action. The only thing he needs to do is to long click on an action and select “Revert” in pop up window. The action will disappear from the equipment history.

Have in mind that “Revert” action can be made only if the work order status did not change. If the status was changed, all the information went to the server and revert action will not be possible.

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