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How do I connect to ArcGIS to see my private layers?
How do I connect to ArcGIS to see my private layers?

Easily connect to ArcGIS to see feature service layers in Fulcrum.

Adrian Zuniga avatar
Written by Adrian Zuniga
Updated over 2 months ago

Through Fulcrum's Esri integration, you can authenticate with ArcGIS or Esri Enterprise to easily pull private ArcGIS Feature Service vector layers into Fulcrum, exposing lines and polygons as interactive objects.

Authenticate with ArcGIS

For iOS and Android:

  1. Click the 'Layers icon' from the 'Map View'.

Click the Basemaps and Layers button to display the available options.

2. Navigate to the bottom of your list of layers and click 'Connect to ArcGIS'.

Click the button to Connect to ArcGIS and enable feature service layers.

3. Sign into ArcGIS using your Esri Enterprise or ArcGIS Online username and password.

4. You will now see feature service layers from your Esri Enterprise or ArcGIS Online account in your list of layers.

For Web

To get to the page where you can connect to your Esri Enterprise or ArcGIS Online account, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the 'Data Viewer' for one of your Apps.

  2. Click the 'Layers icon' on the map.

  3. Click the 'Connect to ArcGIS' button.

  4. Sign in using your Esri Enterprise or ArcGIS Online username and password.

  5. You will now see feature service layers from your Esri Enterprise or ArcGIS Online account in your list of layers.

Click the Layers icon in the Data Viewer for any app to access the option to connect to ArcGIS.

You will only be able to authenticate with ArcGIS and view Feature Service Layers if you are using Esri Maps.

Check out the following articles for information on switching between Esri and Google Maps:
​How do I switch between Esri Maps and Google Maps on the mobile app?

Enable Feature Service Layers

Enable your private feature service layers the same way you would any other layer:

  • On Mobile: enable to toggle for the layer.

  • On Web: click the radio button for the layer.

Downloading a Feature Service Layer

  1. Click the 'Layers icon' in the 'Map View'.

  2. Click the 'Make Available Offline' button under the layer title and description. Once the button changes to 'Available Offline' your layer will be available even when your device doesn't have a connection.

  3. To remove the download, sign out of Esri Enterprise or ArcGIS Online by clicking 'Disconnect from ArcGIS' at the bottom of the layer list.

Downloading Feature Service Layers in the Android App.

Disconnect from ArcGIS

To disconnect your ArcGIS account, follow the steps described in the first section of this article, however, this time, click the 'Disconnect from ArcGIS' button.


Layer not loading

If the layer that you add is not showing in the mobile App (iOS or Android), could be that the data of the layer is corrupt or you are creating the feature service with multiple layers. Layers have been set up to be contained in a parent feature service. When creating a feature service in ArcGIS Online, it usually can only have one layer.

Recreate the feature service with the child layer. Make sure the URL has the correct id of the layer that you want.

For example, if you have access to an ArcGIS Server map service that contains a roads layer, a buildings layer, and a railroads layer, you can add the roads layer as an item (recommended if you need to provide credentials to access the service) or directly to a map. To do this, you need to copy the roads layer's URL from the REST endpoint of the map service. The URL for a map service's REST endpoint is in the format https://<server>.<domain>/server/rest/services/<service_name>/MapServer. A link for each layer in the service is listed in the Layers section of this page. Click the link for the layer you want to use. Copy the URL of the page that opens to obtain the layer's URL.


Other Issues

Please reach out to our support team at if you have any difficulties, or the layer issue is not fixed.

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