1. What are the account sizes and prices for the challenge?
MatchTrader Platform:
$10,000 Account: $119
$25,000 Account: $259
$50,000 Account: $429
$100,000 Account: $679
$200,000 Account: $1,219
TradeLocker Platform:
An additional charge of $10 will be added to the above prices.
Refundable Fee:
These fees are refundable upon successfully passing the challenge and receiving your third payout.
2. What are the rules for Step 1 of the challenge?
- Profit Target: 9% of the account size.
- Trading Period: Unlimited days.
- Minimum Trading Days: 3 days(with 0.5% profit on each day).
- Maximum Daily Loss: 3% of the account balance.
- Maximum Overall Loss: 6% of the account balance.
- Leverage: 1:30 for forex, 1:10 for metals, commodities, and indices, and 1:2 for digital assets.
- Refundable Fee: As listed above for each account size.
3. What happens after passing the 1-step challenge?
After completing Step 1 successfully, you will be able to trade with a funded account under the following conditions:
- Profit Target: None (You can start earning right away).
- Trading Period: Unlimited days.
- Minimum Trading Days: 3 days(with 0.5% profit on each day).
- Maximum Daily Loss: 3%.
- Maximum Overall Loss: 6%.
- Leverage: Same as challenge (1:30 for forex, 1:10 for metals, commodities, indices, 1:2 for digital assets).
- Profit Split: 85% - 90% (You keep 85% - 90% of the profits you generate).
- Payout Cycle: Bi-weekly.
- Refundable Fee: Your fee will be refunded upon your 3rd payout.
4. What happens if I breach the loss limits?
If you exceed the maximum daily loss (3%) or the maximum overall loss (6%), you will fail the challenge. You can re-enter the challenge by paying the fee again.
5. Is the trading period limited in 1-Step challenge?
No, 1-step challenge has an unlimited trading period, giving you the flexibility to take as much time as you need to achieve your goals.
6. How does the leverage work?
- Forex: 1:30 leverage
- Metals, Commodities, Indices: 1:10 leverage
- Digital Assets: 1:2 leverage
Leverage allows you to control a larger position with a smaller amount of capital.
7. When will i get a refund on the fee if I pass the challenge?
Yes! Once you successfully pass the challenge and receive your 3rd payout from the funded account, the fee will be refunded to you.
8. What is the maximum loss policy?
The maximum overall loss is at 6% (trailing drawdown). If this is breached, you will fail the challenge. Additionally, your daily loss cannot exceed 3%.
9. How often do I receive payouts?
Payouts are processed bi-weekly, and you will receive 85% - 90% of the profits you generate.
10. Can I trade different asset classes?
Yes, you can trade forex, metals, commodities, indices, and digital assets. Each asset class has its own leverage limitations:
- Forex: 1:30
- Metals, Commodities, Indices: 1:10
- Digital Assets: 1:2