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Group drivers

How to organise your drivers by grouping them.

Updated over a month ago

When you create drivers, you can keep them organised by using groups.

EXAMPLE: You sell different types of drinks. You could create a group for drinks, add a driver for each type of drink, and then add them to the 'drinks' group.

You can then reorder how your drivers appear in your list.

  1. Go to the Drivers page.

  2. Click Create group.


  3. Select at least one driver you want to be in the new group.

  4. Click Save group.

  5. Enter a group name, then click Save.

This group is now available to select when you create a driver or edit a driver.

πŸ“ŒTIP: You can move a driver to a different group. Either edit the driver and select a different group, or you can use the reorder tool.

You can then select your group when choosing data in your reports or forecasts.

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