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Axis 1 and 2 on a report

How to manage the data that shows on a Y and X-axis in a graph widget.

Updated over a month ago

When you create a new chart when building a report widget, there will be two options for Axis 1 and Axis 2.

πŸ“ŽNOTE: For a vertical style chart the options will be for the Y-axis, or X-axis if looking at a horizontal style chart.

Choose data

When choosing data for each axis, you can use the option "Data includes" to expand the selection to Categories, Groups, Accounts, and Predictions.

Configuring Axis 2 in a report widget builder.

Default settings

Under the Default settings for each axis, you can set the following:

  • The unit can be a number, currency or a percentage

  • Rounding can be set from 2 decimals to the million

  • Auto scaling

For the second axis, you can apply a different chart to display as a separate layer.

πŸ“ŒTIP: To move something from axis 1 to axis 2, you need to delete it, and then re-add it.

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