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App Roles
Girish Gilda avatar
Written by Girish Gilda
Updated over 7 months ago

In a no-code app builder, "Roles" refer to predefined sets of permissions and responsibilities assigned to users within the application. These roles determine what actions users can perform and what features they can access.

For example, roles might include "Admin," "Editor," and "Viewer," each with different levels of access and permissions. Admins typically have full control over the app, including the ability to manage users, settings, and data. Editors might have permission to create and modify content, while Viewers may only have permission to view data without making changes.

Properly defining roles in a no-code app builder ensures that users have the appropriate access and permissions to effectively use the application while maintaining security and control.

Manage Roles

To add and manage roles within your Fuzen app, first, go to the edit section of your app.

Then go to the “Roles” section. Then enter the Name of the Role.

Click on “Add” to create the new role.

You can add multiple such roles within your Fuzen App.

Assigning roles to the users

Once you have created roles, the next step is to assign them to the users.

Assigning roles to new user

For this, go to the “Team” section. Enter the email id of the person to whom you want to send an invite.

Then select the role which you want to assign the user. Once done, click on “Invite to join your team”.

The user will receive an invite email along with the assigned role.

Assigning roles to existing users

For this, go to the “Teams” section. Then click on the “Edit” icon of the user to add or change the role of the user.

Select the roles that you want to assign to the user. Then click on the “Update” button.

The roles are assigned to the user.

Assigning roles to pages

Once you have created roles and assigned them to the user, the next step is to restrict access to the pages to a specific role.

For example, the Central Dashboard should only be accessible by the Admin.

For this go to any particular page.

Then click on “Edit Page Settings” button.

You will be taken to the "Edit" page, where you will see “Allow access only to this role”.

Select the roles which will have access to this page.

Finally click on “Save” button. The page is now restricted to the assigned role.

Assigning a role to any HTML or UI block

If you wish to restrict any block to a specific role, you can do this using the conditional display option.

For example, if a Table is added within a card and you want it to be visible only to the user with an Admin role, then you will have to use the conditional display option while adding this card.

You can add multiple such conditions.

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