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All CollectionsFAQsHow Fyxer Works With Outlook
Understanding how Fyxer AI categorizes your emails
Understanding how Fyxer AI categorizes your emails
Alexa - FyxerAI avatar
Written by Alexa - FyxerAI
Updated this week

How Categories Work in Outlook:

Fyxer works seamlessly with both Gmail and Outlook but operates slightly differently due to the underlying structures and features of these platforms.

Unlike Gmail’s labels, Outlook uses categories and folders:

  • Categories are color-coded tags applied to emails.

  • Folders physically move emails out of your inbox.

When Fyxer AI processes an email:

  • It assigns a category (e.g., "1: to respond", "2: FYI").

  • The default settings are toggled on for all emails to stay in the inbox, except for meeting updates and marketing emails to be filed away in their folder.

  • The settings you choose are personal preference, you may choose that the email either stays in the inbox or be moved into a corresponding folder.

Example: An email marked "1: to respond" will either:

  • Stay in the inbox with the red "1: to respond" category (if you prefer to keep it visible).

  • Move to the "1: to respond" folder (if you have disabled a category in your Fyxer settings).

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