How Categories Work in Outlook:
Fyxer works seamlessly with both Gmail and Outlook but operates slightly differently due to the underlying structures and features of these platforms.
Unlike Gmail’s labels, Outlook uses categories and folders:
Categories are color-coded tags applied to emails.
Folders physically move emails out of your inbox.
When Fyxer AI processes an email:
It assigns a category (e.g., "1: to respond", "2: FYI").
The default settings are toggled on for all emails to stay in the inbox, except for meeting updates and marketing emails to be filed away in their folder.
The settings you choose are personal preference, you may choose that the email either stays in the inbox or be moved into a corresponding folder.
Example: An email marked "1: to respond" will either:
Stay in the inbox with the red "1: to respond" category (if you prefer to keep it visible).
Move to the "1: to respond" folder (if you have disabled a category in your Fyxer settings).